November 8th, 2011

[info]zugzwanger in [info]thedeadland

[It doesn't really matter who he was talking to. Or even what the conversation was about. Just that it was interrupted. Any individual or combination of people can be the other party on the radio.]

Dammit, these monsters are out already! [Shooting can be heard across the radio. After a couple shots, his voice can be heard again. He sounds pretty winded, and he's shooting again with one hand while talking into the radio with the other.] Zero, I'm pinned down at the co- [A screech of a monster, and silence.]

[info]sunamedmoon in [info]thedeadland

oo1 - intro

When she arrives, the first thing she does is search for a place to hide.

There are monsters. She can hear them, and see them so faintly. They scrabble over things to get to her, but she manages to run, by some miracle. She ends up outside a house, and upon opening the door and not hearing anything she closes the door, locks it, and drags a nearby table over to help hold it shut. Things were chasing her, and very quickly she hears growls nearby.

She runs upstairs and hides herself inside one of the bedrooms, again dragging a piece of furniture in the way of the door. She doesn't know how she didn't drop it, but she's been holding onto the radio this entire time. Flicking the switch, she speaks.

[ radio ]

These creatures. They won't stop. What are they? They reek of death. [ She sounds almost panicked, but her voice returns to a monotone with her next words. ] I need help. I need a weapon. Take these beasts away, get rid of this death, please, quickly, I must... [ She trails off. There's the faint sounds of banging. ] Quickly.