Apr. 18th, 2011


GIF Requests

It's still early in the game, folks. Which means that most of us are still in the Journal/Profile festoonery stages. At the moment, I'm working on my second character, and needed a particular GIF like I need air. Which means, I got Photoshop CS3 so I could make it myself. I spent the better part of tonight making gifs, trying to figure out the process, and have to say that it's totally, wonderfully easy. So...

Request GIFS here!

If you have a video clip of your PB (preferably from Youtube), and want it to be made into a GIF; post it here with the time stamps you want captured forever in a dizzying loop. I can also customize dimensions too, so if you need it 500 pixels long, or a perfect 250x250 square, I'll happily accommodate.

I know that I have taken a few requests from others early on (Lalin, I still have yours. Lillie- ugh, I copied the link wrong :( Do you still have it?). But seriously, go ahead and post it here so that I have one concrete location for requests. They take about 5 minutes to make, and that includes downloading the video. So don't hesitate to ask for multiples. Chances are I may be working on one for you anyway. <.<.

Also, if I have promised to make you icons at some point, go ahead and PM me. I know that I owe Seda some, but I'm making that batch now, darling. <3

More gifs inside. >>

Josh Groban icons. Restrictions: Keep him young-lookin.

Apr. 5th, 2011


Mod Post: Character Information

We are asking the players to fill out the following form, please post the answer as a comment to this entry and as a new entry in the character's journal. This will allow us to keep track of information about the characters. If there is a significant change to the information (such as a great secret coming out) please post a new comment here and update the entry in the character's journal to reflect that change.

If you need further subsections, such as under 'close friends' where you may feel the need to list specific characters, please go ahead and do so. If there are exceptions to certain sections, note those as well.

Form Below )

Mar. 23rd, 2011



Right on. Let's skip introductions and get to the good stuff. I have recently picked up a chibi habit, and would love to give everyone their own but need your help in this. If you could give me an idea of a pose, or tell me some of your character's hobbies or habits and such. That would be lovely!

Examples of Chibis so far... )

Mar. 22nd, 2011


Pre-Game Timeline

Timeline of events )

Mar. 21st, 2011


The Tournament at Vigil's Keep

A Tournament Announcement )