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Sep. 21st, 2014


Reaction Image/Gif Meme

Post a character, and then other players post a reaction image/gif that is their character's opinion of said character!


May. 8th, 2013


Meme: A Different Face

A new meme! Because you know we can never have too many. And also because they're just fun.

For this meme respond with your character's name. Then people will reply giving you suggestions for alternate PB's. Pictures would be especially helpful. Pretty simple!

Apr. 8th, 2013


Truth, Dare, or Kiss Me, a meme

The Dragon Age plays spin the bottle, with a twist. )

Feb. 12th, 2013


Approval Meme~!

Something quick and easy for a new meme!

Everyone has an approval rating with everyone else. Sure, it's not always positive, but everyone's got one. So how to make it a meme? Well, post on other peoples' characters with and approximation where on the scale of -100 to +100 you are with them, and add a title to your feelings for the other person!

Like, Azabeth -> Conlan: -75 Nice Job Breaking It, Hero

Whereas Black Matthew -> Lillie Tharelle: +100 True Love's Kiss

Have fun with it! Bonus points for creative titles. :D

Feb. 2nd, 2013



Post with your characters and everyone replies with a "top five" topic, list, category, etc. for each character, such as "five tattoos Genikon would get" or "five reasons Brennan would get in a bar fight." Then, obviously, either you can answer the top 5 ideas or we'll offer suggestions! Serious or fun!

Dec. 8th, 2012


Meme: Hilarity

Meme Rules:

1. Put a random character's name with every number listed below. They don't have to be in any type of order, and in fact, the more random, the better!

Note: For this I tried to put one of each player's characters in first, then filled in the rest with repeats. I think people can do it any way they way, and mix up the order so that we don't get the same answers from every player.

2. Answer the questions under the cut by using whatever character matches the number the question is asking about.

[1] Lalin
[2] Emil
[3] Kore
[4] Barak
[5] Conlan
[6] Noah
[7] Garrett
[8] Kallian
[9] Cormac
[10] Lucressia
[11] Lillie
[12] Lee
[13] Jill
[14] Caius
[15] Ariadne

Please note below the cut is NSFW and should be avoided if you are offended by sexual situations. I apologize for any abuse of your characters contained herein.

Here's where it gets cracky )

Jul. 7th, 2012


Writing prompts meme

It hath not the best of names, but it's one fun meme! Let loose all your alternate universe longings here and most of all, have fun!

1) Leave a comment with one of your characters - one comment for each character you want to submit.
2) Others will reply with prompts. They can be anything -- a word, phrase, song lyrics or a scenario.
3) Write a reply with your character based on the prompts you get. These can be as short or as long as you feel like writing them! They can be canon, AU, whatever you want to write. Sky's the limit!
4) Post it as a reply to the prompt comment!
5) If applicable, mark as NSFW.

(This is wonderful example of how this turned out the last time, if anyone is curious.)

Apr. 19th, 2012


TV Tropes Meme

Post your character and people will post whatever TV Trope they think applies to that character! There will also be a posting for the game as a whole.

Feb. 25th, 2012


Meme: Wet Dreams

Pick two characters. Someone will then describe a sex dream that character A had about character B, no matter how awkward or strange it may be.


Character A - Genikon
Character B - Dar

Anyone willing to volunteer to write this would respond, as we are not forcing the owners of the characters to write it.

Feb. 21st, 2012


A Character Exercise

This site is a fun way to get into the mind of your character.

Why? I'm a lazy ass, and hate answering 100-question memes with three paragraphs per question. In regards to personality, this is relatively quick but still keeps the mind fresh. Put traits into a 'section', bold the significant ones, then made a final four-letter list. Plus it's fun to read everyone's answers.


Jan. 28th, 2012


Questions Meme

I love memes. You love memes. Folk love in-character memes.

So questions! Post your character. Ask in-character. Reply in-character. Post specific questions or just leave it open for anyone. This can be just for fun, but it can be on serious matters as well.

Jan. 13th, 2012


Genderswap Meme

This was Az's drunken idea, that we are making reality. Post your character and people will give you suggestions for their genderswapped alternative! This can be just a look, but also a backstory or other gender-related changes as well.

Jan. 11th, 2012


Gif Meme

So I saw this on tumblr and we all know how much I love gifs. 

The idea is to respond with your character(s) and a gif that you think represents them. Then the next person will respond with a gif they think represents your character. And Kelsey gets to save new gifs for her collection!

So for example, for Lalin I might put:

And this gif makes me think of Ariadne:

I think this fits them because of reasons. Who cares! Go wild! Maybe you will be the only one to get it! We don't judge! And either way, Kelsey gets new gifs.

If you're having a hard time finding a gif or you don't have a collection like I do, my photobucket is open to the public.

Oct. 31st, 2011


Player-character meme

Quite often there is a lot of thought behind a character that isn't obvious to the other players. Let's face it, character-creation is
one of the most entertaining and fun parts of RP, so much that we're once and again driven to create more character and join new games.
But usually I realise that I have a lot of little points or titbits of knowledge that only I know of, and there is no other way to share it with the others in the game. Therefore I wrote up this meme.

This meme depends entirely on how much you want to share with the other players. Answer with as much detail you want, or keep it short and sweet. There are many memes out there for characters themselves, their favourite foods and childhood memories, but not any pertaining to the relationship between player and character.
So this is simply meant for those out there who like me want to share the birth of our characters and the thoughts behind it.

Oct. 6th, 2011


Meme: Dragon Age All Hallows!

Here's a fun meme for you guys :) We're going to do it sort of like how we've done some of the other ones. Reply with your character's name and then people will reply back with their answers for you. If you want to get creative you can link fitting pictures or make something ridiculous in photoshop. Let's have fun with this!

The question is, what would your character dress up for on halloween? Try to think of something fitting for the personality. You can offer your own suggestions for your characters as well.


Jill Sorrel: Dorothy
Garrett Edgewalker: Toto

Sep. 17th, 2011


Companion Talent Trees

(AKA, Meme Time again)

Ever find yourself with way too much time on your hands and a desire to replicate the Dragon Age 2 special companion talent trees? I have! Under the cut are two versions of the Friendship/Rivalry trees, one small enough to be posted on your front page, the other large and detailed and best suited for a detailed character meme. The code is pretty flexible and can be altered to suit, but I tried to make the layout as generic as possible so everyone would be happy. If you want something specific and can't make sense of my code, let me know and I'll fiddle! (And if someone better at me with code wants to streamline this, be my guest. T_T)

The grey bars were made in about five minutes by me, while the Friendship/Rivalry icons are swiped from the Dragon Age wiki. The images are uploaded to my personal photobucket account, but feel free to right click-save and upload them to your own. :D Let me know if you like 'em, I want to see what you guys can do with this.

Click for tables! )

Aug. 25th, 2011


What's in your name-meme!

This is remarkable silly, but then when am I anything else...

THIS nifty page here shows you multiple suggestions for anagrams of your (or your RP characters name).
Jill Sorrel sadly seems impossible to turn into anything else, but Elsa is "Abrasive Slang Zero"
and my favourite for Emil "Mad Smile Run".

What is the secret in YOUR characters name?

May. 29th, 2011


A meme for [info]thedragonage

1) Reply in a separate comment for each character.
2) Other players will reply with achievements that your character has earned, or very likely will earn at some point in this game. These can span character histories, banter, or be pure speculation. They can be as serious or ridiculous as you like.
3) You may post achievements for your own characters.
4) If the achievement is overtly crude in nature, please put a NSFW warning in the subject line. If you know what I mean.

Avenged: Confront the culprit behind the Vael family's murder.
King of the Hill: Defeated the Arishok

[info]thedragonage examples:
[[info]ordhan] Defender: Fought in the Battle of Denerim.
[[info]lucressia] Black Widow: At least she's not a Praying Mantis.
[[info]azabeth] Crime She Didn't Commit: Framed for the murder of the Arlessa.

May. 5th, 2011


Writing Prompt Meme!

So, here is ~another meme~ I thought would be fun for everyone. It's a bit similar to one [info]azabeth has done, but more open!

As this is just for fun, there's obviously no rush to fill these prompts. I just felt it would be a fun writing exercise. Maybe you don't have any tags to work on, maybe you need to get back into the swing of things, maybe you're just bored. This is a source of ideas to jump-start your creativity. Have fun!

1) Leave a comment with one of your characters. As with other memes, separate comments for each character!
2) Others will reply with prompts. They can be anything -- a word, phrase, song lyrics, a whole damn paragraph, whatever you feel like prompting.
3) Write a reply with your character based on the prompts you get. These can be as short or as long as you feel like writing them! They can be canon, AU, whatever you want to write. Sky's the limit.
4) Post it as a reply to the prompt comment!
5) (Also, because I know you people. >_> If your prompt or reply has porn, please put a NSFW warning, haha.)

May. 1st, 2011



The ALTERNATE REALITY MEME! It goes without saying that this is pretty OOC...

Simply, post your name if you want to join; and then others can post a picture with an explanation of who and what kind of person the character would be in this magical alternate reality.

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