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This is an elite unit.

The only probability higher than you quitting, is you getting killed. We hunt the darkest, most depraved criminals in the world. Question yourself for a second, and that world will swallow you whole.

Posts Tagged: 'c:+ariel+singleton'

Nov. 26th, 2018



Monday, November 26, 2018 - What is a doppelganger, anyway?

WHO: Grant Levi, Ariel Singleton, Xander Duncan
WHAT: Assessing information brought to them from their sister office...sort of.
WHERE: Interrogation room
WHEN: Nov 26, 2018 (Monday)
STATUS: Complete

​​Nothing said official like a two-way mirror. )

May. 14th, 2018




20:18 Kitchen staff elf assaulted by Hum Cauc Fem, dark hair small/childish appearance. Suspect at large and may be dangerous. Attempted to coerce elf into apparating in anti-apparation area, do not take AA for granted. HWs attempting to track and backtrack. Full report through normal channels to follow. M Rivera, Auror Div.

May. 9th, 2018



The Ball; Encounter 1

Quarter past eight, after the kitchen has sent out the last round of h'orderves to the guests, a scream lets off from the kitchen. Just moments before it happened, Miles noticed Kent Brightstar making his way into the bathroom.

Objectives: Calm the Hysterical House Elf, Check the Food, Question Kent, don't die

May. 6th, 2018



IC/OOC: The Ball

WHO: Invited guests and those on duty
WHAT: The President's Winter Ball (specifically any social interactions you'd like to happen at the ball. Case related encounters will be separate posts)
WHEN: Friday, December 22, 2017
WHERE: President's Island (a small unplottable island between Battery Park and Governor's island). There is one apparition point outside the house with security stationed.

The President's Estate

The President’s Winter Ball was the highlight of the holiday season. Anyone who was anyone earned a personal invitation and they knew the importance showing up. It was the type of engagement that made or broke political careers and legislation for the Congressional sessions starting in the new year. Of course, the common folk were invited but there was a rather high ticket price that ensured a certain stature of witch and wizard attended.

The setting of the ball was the ceremonial (but not actual) home to the President of MACUSA. Everyone was dressed in their best, the music light during the beginning of the evening with a cash bar and complimentary h'orderves. There are tall tables and nooks at the edges of the room perfect for a conversation. During the early evening, President Zahira Sarwar and her special guests are greeting people up on the staircase. As the night goes on, the music changes to invite more dancing. After all, the best negotiations happens on the dance floor.

Floor Plan

May. 5th, 2018




Ben buries the lead. )

Apr. 15th, 2018




Who: Adrian Pucey, Ariel Singleton and Sal Staunton-Perksmoore
What: What is a legilimens anyway?
When: December 22nd
Where: Adrian’s office
Warnings: Language

Leaving Adrian’s office. As quickly as possible. Awkward. )

Mar. 9th, 2018



Friday, December 22, 2017 - Body Swap Pt. 2

WHO: Miles, Sal-as-Ariel; then Alistair and Ariel-as-Sal
WHAT: These two wake up, and presumably all hell breaks loose.
WHERE: Miles's apartment
WHEN: Early Friday morning, Dec 22
WHY: Body swap time!
RATING: Nakedness, probably cursing, definitely awkwardness
STATUS: Ongoing

Miles hadn't slept very well. )



Friday, December 22, 2017 - Body Swap Pt. 1

WHO: Alistair, Ariel-as-Sal
WHAT: These two wake up, and presumably all hell breaks loose.
WHERE: Alistair's apartment
WHEN: Early Friday morning, Dec 22
WHY: Body swap time!
RATING: Nakedness, probably cursing
STATUS: Complete

He scooted closer and wrapped his arm around her torso. )

Feb. 26th, 2018



IC/OOC Auror Staff Meeting

WHAT: Staff Meeting RE: Secret Snowflake
WHERE: Conference Room
WHEN: December 21st at 8:30 AM

Polly want a cracker? )



20171220 -- direct msg to aurors on case


I have been instructed to send this over post-haste. The original is untouched at the townhouse. It was found tacked to the door this afternoon by our security personnel doing their sweep before I returned from the office.

threatening images )

Feb. 2nd, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Ariel & Adrian
What: First meeting with the mind healer
When: Tuesday December 19
Where: Adrian’s office at Tuppaarnaq Healing Hospital

There’s more. ... )

Jan. 28th, 2018



MERGAL 20171219 Text to Miles Hastings

9:30 So confirmed. Banished to archives.
9:31 At least it's not wand registry.

Jan. 17th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Ariel & Miles
What: Date!
When: Monday December 18 after work
Where: Auror Office to The Rink At Rockefeller Center
Status: Complete

Oh, great. That way I can have a wet ass and a bruised girlfriend. )

Jan. 5th, 2018



IC/OOC: Bagels for Winners

WHAT: Bagels for Winners is back
WHERE: Break room
WHEN: Monday December 18, set out at 7:30 am

Today everyone is a winner. )



[No Subject]

WHO: Jack Duvall, Ariel Singleton, Sal Staunton-Perksmore, Miles Hastings & Pamela Knight
WHAT: Mistletoe meeting.
WHERE: Jack's Office
WHEN: 8 am Monday December 18
WHY: First of many meetings
STATUS: Complete

First coffee of many today )

Dec. 29th, 2017



mergal 20171217 Text to Miles Hastings

12:35 How are you?
12:36 Also, just got back from brunch with Sal.
12:36 If you can believe that.

Dec. 27th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Ariel & Sal
What: Mistletoe Talk... and talking about Miles
When: Sunday December 17 for Brunch
Where: Mother's Kitchen Bar
Status: Complete

Jealousy was a strange thing. )

Dec. 25th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Ariel & Miles
What: DTR & Werewolf talk
When: Saturday December 16 at 12pm
Where: Ariel's apartment.
Status: Complete

Picking out what to wear... which was stupid because would Miles even care about that? )

Dec. 23rd, 2017



IC/OOC Auror Holiday Bowling Party

Who: Everyone invited!
What: Aurors Holiday Bowling Party
When: Friday December 15 7 pm
Where: Lucky Strikes

Eat, Drink and be Merry! )




LOL what is HR??? (group texts sent throughout the day) )