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The only probability higher than you quitting, is you getting killed. We hunt the darkest, most depraved criminals in the world. Question yourself for a second, and that world will swallow you whole.

Posts Tagged: 'arc:+chicago'

Nov. 25th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Ben & Kit
What: Ben teaches Kit how to use the force. It’s not sanctioned, but when does he care?
When: Winter 2018 (Happening somewhat concurrently with the Production Center Drama)
Where: Great Intersection at Sault Ste Marie Forest
Warnings: Unintentional innuendo.

Focus on that, and think about like Geodude or Graveler, hold that image in your head. )



[No Subject]

Who: Alicia, Pamela, and some unexpected guests
What: Alicia stepped out of the production center and into a whole lot of trouble. Good thing she has a Knight in shining armor to save her.
When: A few minutes after this
Where: Chicago generally
Warnings: Violence.

Okay. This looked bad. )



[No Subject]

Who: Alicia, Pamela, & Max
What: Uncovering the production center
When: Jan/Feb 2018, sometime after Pamela and Alicia arrive
Where: Semi-creepy basement in Chicago, then other places by accident
Warnings: Nothing too wild.

We've seen runes before on this ergot investigation. Somebody likes Elder Futhark. )

Nov. 10th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Ben & Kit
What: They arrive in Chicago, and Ben’s performance issues lead to a rather interesting status update.
When: Late January 2018
Where: Their hotel room and the Chicago office
Warnings: Swearing, made up magical theory, penis jokes

'I will have you know that I resent that. I am a gentleman and scholar who has been on his utmost best behavior since Salem.' Ben took a long pull of his beer. For courage. 'I may also be kind of married to Max?' )

Nov. 2nd, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Alicia Spinnet & Pamela Knight
What: Establishing the parameters of the Chicago Problem
When: January 2018, a few days after their arrival in the Chicago field office
Where: Their office / around town
Warnings: Warnings for racist talk (Chicago is full of jerks)

Somebody said something quotable! )