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This is an elite unit.

The only probability higher than you quitting, is you getting killed. We hunt the darkest, most depraved criminals in the world. Question yourself for a second, and that world will swallow you whole.

Posts Tagged: 'c:+achilles+%27jack%27+duvall'

May. 14th, 2018




20:18 Kitchen staff elf assaulted by Hum Cauc Fem, dark hair small/childish appearance. Suspect at large and may be dangerous. Attempted to coerce elf into apparating in anti-apparation area, do not take AA for granted. HWs attempting to track and backtrack. Full report through normal channels to follow. M Rivera, Auror Div.

May. 11th, 2018


[No Subject]

WHO: Jack Duvall and Lien Fitzgerald
WHAT: Party prep
WHERE: Jack's office, NYC
WHEN: Friday afternoon, December 22, 3:30 pm or so
WHY: Because Jack owes her an explanation!
RATING: PG-13 for discussion of shenanigans?
STATUS: Complete

I have six aurors that have swapped bodies. I have one team going on a ergot bust and hopefully arresting a suspected crime boss and an alleged death eater. I have another team getting ready for the ball tonight where a Delegate’s life has been threatened… and none of my six aurors have swapped back yet. So, fun right? )

May. 9th, 2018



The Ball; Encounter 1

Quarter past eight, after the kitchen has sent out the last round of h'orderves to the guests, a scream lets off from the kitchen. Just moments before it happened, Miles noticed Kent Brightstar making his way into the bathroom.

Objectives: Calm the Hysterical House Elf, Check the Food, Question Kent, don't die

Mar. 31st, 2018



ADUVALL 20171222 to Lien Fitzergerald

[10:04] Hey, would you like to be my date to the Ball tonight?
[10:05] There are some potential life saving opportunities.
[10:05] And I'll have to fill you in on what shit has gone down in the office... today.

Mar. 10th, 2018




Who: Max Rivera, Jack Duvall, Kit Ghazzi, Ben McMullen, (others as they arrive)
What: Body Swap, part 5!
When: Friday, December 22, 7:33 am
Where: Jack's Office
Warnings: Language.

The conversation didn't go as he'd expected it to... )

Feb. 26th, 2018



IC/OOC Auror Staff Meeting

WHAT: Staff Meeting RE: Secret Snowflake
WHERE: Conference Room
WHEN: December 21st at 8:30 AM

Polly want a cracker? )

Jan. 5th, 2018



[No Subject]

WHO: Jack Duvall, Ariel Singleton, Sal Staunton-Perksmore, Miles Hastings & Pamela Knight
WHAT: Mistletoe meeting.
WHERE: Jack's Office
WHEN: 8 am Monday December 18
WHY: First of many meetings
STATUS: Complete

First coffee of many today )

Dec. 26th, 2017



[No Subject]

WHO: Adrian Pucey and Jack Duvall
WHAT: The Department is getting a specialist
WHERE: Jack's office
WHEN: Friday morning, 15 December, 10 AM
WHY: Have you met these people? They need headshrinking!
RATING: Probably PG, maybe PG-13 but only for discussion of the Salem case
STATUS: Complete

... apparently the people in this division needed his help. Maybe they'd actually take it for a change. )

Dec. 23rd, 2017



IC/OOC Auror Holiday Bowling Party

Who: Everyone invited!
What: Aurors Holiday Bowling Party
When: Friday December 15 7 pm
Where: Lucky Strikes

Eat, Drink and be Merry! )



IC/OOC: McMullen Case Review

Who: Director Levi, Director Duvall, Lien Fitzgerald, Audrey Jo Parker
What: The big dogs are going to meet to assess Ben McMullen's progress and whether he is fit to remain as an auror
When: Friday afternoon, December 15
Where: Administrative conference room

Happy holiday party! Maybe Ben is going to be let go. )

Dec. 21st, 2017





[OOC: Backdated to December 1st. RSVP Deadline was December 8th. All staff may bring + 1]

Dec. 11th, 2017



Secret Snowflake Part 1

❆ Sal receives an Adult coloring book with Nice Felt Tipped Markers
❆ Ben receives a Robot
❆ Jack receives a bottle of Hudson Manhattan Rye
❆ Pamela receives a Bad Ass Pair of Sunglasses
❆ Max receives a Music Box
❆ Ariel receives a Pair of Ice Skates
❆ Miles receives a package of High Quality Organic Jerky
❆ Kit receives a Dreidel Tie
❆ Audrey receives a Signed Copy of Good Omens
❆ Sena receives Washi Tape
❆ Luc receives NY Rangers Tickets
❆ ET receives a Lucky Charm
❆ Sal and Ariel recieved Mistletoe

Dec. 4th, 2017


[No Subject]

WHO: Lien Fitzgerald and Jack Duvall
WHAT: Old friends meeting under less than ideal circumstances
WHERE: NY Auror Office
WHEN: Early November (date TBD but after Jack is back)
WHY: Because Internal Affairs has to look into Salem business and Lien drew the short straw
RATING: TBD, likely to be high for discussions of criminal behavior (violence, use of Unforgivables, murder)
STATUS: In progress

... something had gone wrong here, badly wrong, and Lien needed to find out what it was ... )

Dec. 1st, 2017



Closer: Case Sierra Alpha 95

WHAT: Closer/Stinger for Case Sierra Alpha 95
WHERE: Salem mostly

After it was all said and done, there was nothing left to do but go back to New York City.

Brigid Playfer had casually strolled out of the Federal Building and quickly made it out of Salem. There was no trail to follow. Although the aurors continued to work around the clock for the next twenty-four hours. Alongside the vetted local authorities, they scoured all crime scenes, tracing any bits of magic they could find, and still found nothing. The trail wasn’t just cold, it was frigid.

Playfer’s house had nothing of value. The abandoned building Frank the Pirate used was nothing more than a den for a bored twenty year old. Not even Alistair Sterling could find trace of Brigid.

Twenty-five hours after Ariel had used stupefy to kill an innocent witch, the media descended. What had happened quickly became public knowledge - the double murder, the laced beers getting into no-maj hands, the recurrent violations of the Statute of Wizarding Secrecy and especially the event on October 21, rumors of a new powerful and dangerous spell, not to mention the vast failings of the department to not apprehend the criminal Brigid Playfer, but how they had been manipulated so easily and one of their own killed an innocent woman while in auror custody.

The one small kernel of hope came thirty-eight hours later when Bobby Dedworth finally woke up.

Dedworth confessed to his dalliances with the beer and his presence at the Adler apartment the night of the murder. He had broke down in tears at that part in the story. “I was just so far in over my head. All I wanted was to let people have a good time.”

And then, one-by-one, the aurors made their ways back to NYC, heads hung low. There would be no celebrations or revels, just more work to be done and further fall out to mitigate.

Nov. 25th, 2017



[No Subject]

WHO: Everyone or anyone in the office + Brigid Playfer
WHAT: Trying to close the case
WHERE: Auror Offices
WHEN: 11:30, Thursday, October 26, 2017
STATUS: Incomplete

Playfer was sitting very stubbornly silent )

Nov. 19th, 2017



[No Subject]

WHO: Jack Duvall (Briefly), Brigid Playfer, Pamela Knight, Miles Hastings, & Max Rivera
WHAT: Time to bring Brigid in.
WHERE: Nomaj Liaison Office
WHEN: 9 am, Thursday, October 26, 2017
STATUS: Incomplete

Arrest Warrant for Brigid Playfer )

Nov. 10th, 2017



Thursday, October 26, 2017 - Sterling Interrogation

WHO: Alistair Sterling, Jack Duvall, Pamela Knight
WHAT: The Aurors talk to Alistair about the information he received.
WHERE: Federal Building/Auror Office
WHEN: 1:30 am, Thursday, October 26, 2017
STATUS: Complete

It wasn't the first time Alistair had been in an interrogation room. )



Thursday, October 26, 2017 - What Goes Around

WHO: Kent Brightstar, Kit Ghezzi, Ben McMullen, Caroline Davis (NPC- Alistair's Fancy Lawyer)- with a Pamela Knight cameo
WHAT: Kent tries to do the Right Thing
WHERE: Federal Building/Auror Office
WHEN: 01:01 AM, Thursday, October 26, 2017
STATUS: Complete

Comes Around )

Oct. 1st, 2017



Wednesday, October 25 - Federal Building

WHO: Auror field team + Duvall and Parker
WHAT: IC/OOC team meeting to coordinate information
WHERE: Federal Building
WHEN: Wednesday, October 25 @ 8:30 am
WHY: Because this case has gone on long enough
STATUS: Complete

Director Duvall calls everyone in to share all case related information. Full attention should be diverted to figuring out what is going on and make it stop. Because you guys are trained professionals, and this is getting ridiculous. Time is running out.

Aug. 14th, 2017



October 23 2017 early evening - Auror HQ - Hopefully we can wrap this all up and follow you shortly

WHO: Director Duvall and Auror Rivera
WHAT: Reporting in, Getting Assigned, Etc.
WHERE: Duvall's office, Federal Building
WHEN: After Max meets with Ben
WHY: Protocol and Politeness require actually talking to your new boss.
RATING: A+! Would Thread Again!
STATUS: Complete

protocol and prudence suggest that backup would be wise )