Tue, Dec. 2nd, 2008, 06:02 pm

Who: Teddy Lupin and Bellatrix Black
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Teddy's flat
Why: Music
Rating: TBD
Complete? No

He was such a coward )

Sat, Nov. 29th, 2008, 09:25 pm

Who: Teddy Lupin, Lily Potter, James Potter, Ginny Weasley, Open
When: Saturday evening
Where: Hedwig House
Why: Grieving, talking, etc.
Rating: Low
Complete? No

Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it. )

Tue, Nov. 11th, 2008, 06:47 pm

Who: Teddy Lupin and Harry Potter
Why: Teddy needs to talk to someone he's already placed his absolute trust in
Where: Teddy's flat
When: Tuesday evening
Rating: Low
Status: Closed/Incomplete

his original plan of being more social hadn't exactly worked out )

Fri, Oct. 31st, 2008, 08:07 pm
[info]hedgehogged: Sacrificial Lambs

Who: Thaddeus Thurkell, Teddy Lupin, Bellatrix Black, any other night owls
Why: To reveal that some people had been busy lately
Where: A narrow back alley in a non-residential area
When: In the middle of the night before All Hallows Eve
Rating: R for gruesome and gory scenes
Status: Open/Incomplete

...his arrival sent a horde of crows and rats scattering. )

Sun, Oct. 26th, 2008, 03:20 am
[info]chosen_2_retire: The mad tea party

Who: Harry Potter, Order of Phoenix members plus guests, potential party crashers
Why: Order meeting to discuss plan of action
Where: Harry's home on Waterman's Walk
When: Friday evening
Rating: General (for the moment)
Status: Open/Incomplete

The old man liked to tend to things himself. )

Thu, Oct. 9th, 2008, 10:31 pm

Who: Alastor Moody {OPEN to anyone else who wishes to attend}
When: Thursday, Oct. 9, afternoon
Where: Greenwich Park
What: A meeting
Rating: TBD
Completion Status: Incomplete

Perhaps it was madness to do this )

Mon, Sep. 29th, 2008, 06:39 pm

Who: Teddy and Tonks
Why: Meeting the other half of his parents
Where: 23 Westings Street, flat #7 (Tonks' place)
When: Sunday Afternoon
Rating: Low
Status: open/incomplete

it didn't take long for the orphan to become unorphaned )

Tue, Sep. 23rd, 2008, 09:22 pm

Who: Teddy and Remus
When: Tuesday Afternoon
Where: The Library
Why: Reuniting a father and son
Rating: Low
Complete? Incomplete

it would be best to be totally honest right from the start )