Fri, Nov. 21st, 2008, 08:43 pm

Who: Tom and the Death Eaters, and various others. *Open*
When: Friday Night
Where: The Library
Why: Every take over has to start somewhere.
Rating: PG- 13 to R
Complete? Yes
Notes: Thread instructions are listed here. Tags will be added as players post. The conflict is heating up and so, the city area around the library itself will also be damaged. One more small thing, people seem to be under the impression that the Death Eaters plan on destroying the library, and not just taking it. This is not the case, its hardly a valuable place if what is contained in it of value is destroyed. The library has now been taken.

The time to act is now. )

Sun, Nov. 16th, 2008, 01:43 am

Who: Alastor Moody, James Potter, Bellatrix Black
When: Saturday Evening, November 15
Where: Eventually Bellatrix' place
Why: Information Gathering
Rating: TBD
Complete? No

They couldn't afford to wait for any surprises )

Sun, Oct. 26th, 2008, 03:20 am
[info]chosen_2_retire: The mad tea party

Who: Harry Potter, Order of Phoenix members plus guests, potential party crashers
Why: Order meeting to discuss plan of action
Where: Harry's home on Waterman's Walk
When: Friday evening
Rating: General (for the moment)
Status: Open/Incomplete

The old man liked to tend to things himself. )

Thu, Oct. 9th, 2008, 10:31 pm

Who: Alastor Moody {OPEN to anyone else who wishes to attend}
When: Thursday, Oct. 9, afternoon
Where: Greenwich Park
What: A meeting
Rating: TBD
Completion Status: Incomplete

Perhaps it was madness to do this )

Tue, Oct. 7th, 2008, 08:56 pm

{To the Residents of the Nexus}

It has become apparent that we need some sort of social order here in order to maintain peace and security. Since there is no government in place here, it falls to us to create some sort of framework in which our society can function.

I propose a meeting in Greenwich Park at 2 p.m. on Thursday afternoon. Please note that magic does not function in that particular location. All persons will also be searched for non-magical weapons prior to being permitted to attend the discussion.


Alastor Moody

Sun, Sep. 14th, 2008, 12:14 pm

Who: Alastor Moody, Bellatrix Black
When: Sunday, September 14, 2008, mid-morning
Where: Bella's apartment
What: Protecting a 'damsel' from the evils of Death Eaters
Rating: TBD
Completion Status: Incomplete

Alastor Apparated to Bellatrix' flat )