Fri, Nov. 14th, 2008, 10:24 pm
[info]mister_o: A l'improviste

Who: Ollivander, Phineas Black, Thaddeus Thurkell, ??
When: Friday evening
Where: Picadilly underground
Why: Not only dark lords get to do fishy business
Rating: PG-13
Status: Open/Incomplete

Ollivander was positively invisible in such a garish crowd. )

Tue, Nov. 11th, 2008, 02:20 pm
[info]hedgehogged: Crossing Steel

Who: Godric Gryffindor, Thaddeus Thurkell
Why: A bout of training session
Where: Godric's home
When: A clear November morning
Rating: General (unless things turn more exciting than planned)
Status: Close/Incomplete

...what announced to be a vigourous day of exercising. )

Fri, Oct. 31st, 2008, 08:07 pm
[info]hedgehogged: Sacrificial Lambs

Who: Thaddeus Thurkell, Teddy Lupin, Bellatrix Black, any other night owls
Why: To reveal that some people had been busy lately
Where: A narrow back alley in a non-residential area
When: In the middle of the night before All Hallows Eve
Rating: R for gruesome and gory scenes
Status: Open/Incomplete

...his arrival sent a horde of crows and rats scattering. )