Sat, Nov. 22nd, 2008, 09:24 pm

Who: Severus and Percy
When: Late Saturday afternoon
Where: Severus' home
Why: Sev's arm still hurts, and Percy is bringing him some tea
Rating: G-ish
Complete? Yes

It wasn't easy trying to do things with his other hand )

Fri, Nov. 21st, 2008, 08:43 pm

Who: Tom and the Death Eaters, and various others. *Open*
When: Friday Night
Where: The Library
Why: Every take over has to start somewhere.
Rating: PG- 13 to R
Complete? Yes
Notes: Thread instructions are listed here. Tags will be added as players post. The conflict is heating up and so, the city area around the library itself will also be damaged. One more small thing, people seem to be under the impression that the Death Eaters plan on destroying the library, and not just taking it. This is not the case, its hardly a valuable place if what is contained in it of value is destroyed. The library has now been taken.

The time to act is now. )

Thu, Nov. 13th, 2008, 04:31 pm

Who: Slytherin and Percy Weasley
When: Friday at noon
Where: Slytherin's home
Why: First lesson
Rating: TBD
Complete? No

An English house could never be warm... )

Wed, Nov. 5th, 2008, 05:55 pm

Who: Severus Snape and Percy Weasley
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: Snape's Apothecary
Why: Percy needs to learn something.
Rating: NC-17. Just kidding, probably low.
Complete? No

Failure is always the best way to learn. )

Fri, Oct. 24th, 2008, 11:50 pm

Who: Bill and Percy and Ollie (lol)
Why:Because he wants to see his brother
Where: Percy's House
When: Friday
Rating: PG-13
Status: Closed/Incomplete

Bill Apparated to the entrance of the alley and put Ollie on the ground. "Now Ollie, you be good in Percy's place and don't chew on anything."

He adjusted the bags in his hands and walked down the alley. He heard the sounds of music and voices and stopped in front of a door. This must be the cafe he talked about, Bill thought, and he climbed the stairs. Finding number 10, he took a deep breath and knocked on the door.