The Quarantined: The Survivors

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The Quarantined: The Survivors



April 14th, 2010

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Who: Daniel and Mary
Why: Ammo run
When: Morning
Where: All around
Rated: PG-13 to R?

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March 23rd, 2010

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Who: The Manny and Mary show! Starring Manny Wilkes and Mary Fitz
Where: Flushing Airport
Why: Da Plane!
When: Morning
Rated: TBD

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March 18th, 2010

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Who: Mary and Manny
Where: On land, near where the boats are bobbing
Why: Mary wants to tinker
When: Morning
Rated: Undetermined

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March 2nd, 2010

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Who: Mary Fitz, DeShaun Blake
What: of brass, broadcasts and bravado
When: shortly after the top of the hour... whatever hour is convenient
Where: aboard the Devil
Rating: Arr! (sorry, couldn't resist)
Status: in progress

''They'll fall for it 'cause theh ain't much left to hope for....'' )

February 22nd, 2010

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Who: Lacey and Mary
Where: On whatever boat Lacey and Mary are on.
When: Mid afternoon, a day after setting sail?
Why: Stuff breaks.
Rated: Pg-13

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February 1st, 2010

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Who: Josey and Mary
Where: Queens, a parking lot
Why: Mary gets a flat then she gets in trouble
When: After dark.
Rated: PG-13 to R depending on Gore

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July 17th, 2009

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Who: Mary
When: The night of Teagues execution
Why: Mary's hitting the road jack
Where: From the Garage to who know's where
Rated: PG
STATUS: Complete

Mary was the proud owner of a big, honking ride that would get her from A to Z with as much safety as a fortified tour bus would let her )

June 26th, 2009

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WHO ||: carmen harper
WHAT || dealing with the memories
WHEN || June 19th, after her talk with Dave
WHERE || the rooftop
RATING || pg13
STATUS || in-progress

June 22nd, 2009

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Who: Mary
What: Mary after the Take Over
Why: A little bit of the big picture.
Where: The garage
Rating: PG
Status: Completed

I heard them say they're going North in a Toyota Corolla. )

June 10th, 2009

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Who: Moses Biehn, Neil Bernhart, Mary Fitz
What: Moses does his security rounds at the museum.
When: Late afternoon
Where: The Museum of Natural History
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete

All clear in here, Mr. Pharaoh. Moving on. )

June 4th, 2009

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Who: Mary Fitz, Cooper
What: apocalyptic picnicking
When: shortly after Mary says 'o-vah'
Where: Central Park
Rating: G
Status: complete

the sun's shining bright; ev'rything seems all right... )

June 2nd, 2009

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Who: Josey and Mary
Where: Wherever Josey is.
When: Early Saturday evening
What: Mary makes a visit to see how Josey is.
Why: Guilt

Guilt is a powerful motivator )

May 25th, 2009

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Who: Open to EVERYBODY.
What: baseball, baseball, discussing baseball, debating about baseball, obsessing over baseball, trash-talking about baseball, looting the concession stand for warm beer and stale candy, post-baseball-game partying
When: Memorial Day weekend
Where: the Safe Zone; Central Park; Heckscher Ballfield #2
Rating: TBD
Status: in progress
Notes: Forget what team you're on? Here's the roster. BTW Team Innes wins. Hey, that's the way the dice fell.

It was a sunny and gorgeous day, just as Charlie had announced on her radio program. Dave doubted that any of the adults were completely relaxed, but the mood was festive in spite of--or maybe because of--the armed guards keeping watch from the bleachers. Others patrolled the outskirts of the ball fields and the nearby playground. Even though his team had ultimately lost to 'team Innes', Dave felt that the day had been a resounding success. The kids had actually gotten to play baseball! And now some of them were gorging themselves on sodas and candy bars from the concession stand, he noted with a grin. Maybe the exercise they'd gotten would offset the inevitable sugar rush.

Dave's grin didn't diminish in the least as Rory strolled over. He raised a hand in greeting and waited for the inevitable heckling to commence.

May 21st, 2009

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Who: Cooper and Mary
When: Mid-day
Why: Mary goes to get car parts and gets an unexpected passenger
Where: Retail Plaza
Rated: Pg-13

Get in the Zone. Auto Zone )

May 12th, 2009

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Who: Mary and Dave
What: in search of baseball equipment
When: backdated a bit
Where: The Compound garage to Saint Paul the Apostle parochial school and back again.
Rating: R for Infected braaaains.
Status: Complete

Dave entered the garage with a jaunty step and an oversize monkey wrench in his hand. He glanced around, looking for any sign of human habitation.

"Mary?" he called out a second before catching sight of a pair of feet sticking out from under a vehicle. Judging by their petite size, he'd found her. He knelt, hesitating just long enough to make sure he wasn't flopping down into a puddle of engine grease or battery acid or other automotive-related hazard, then hunkered the rest of the way down to peer underneath.

"Hi! How's it going?"

April 28th, 2009

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Who: Mary and _________
What: Mary makes a request over the radio
When: Tuesday morning
Where: the garage
Rating: TBD

5:30 AM )

April 10th, 2009

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Who: Greg, a cow, and anyone who wants to intercept him in the garage.
What: Greg finds cow. Greg brings cow to Compound. Cow will be slaughtered.
Where: Streets of New York City, then the Compound
When: Friday!
Rating: PG-13 for the mention of cow-violence?

Out here in the fields, I fight for my meals. I put my back into my living )

April 11th, 2009

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Who: Mary Fitz
Where: Garage to Room
When: Not sure
Why: She's fixing the cars. I swear!
Status: Completed

In bed we laugh, in bed we cry; And born in bed, in bed we die; The near approach a bed may show Of human bliss to human woe ~Isaac De Benserade )

March 29th, 2009

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Who: The incredible Dave and plain ol’Mary
What: Mary makes a mess of things.
When: late afternoon
Where: On a newly mopped floor
Rated: PG-13

All in a days work )

March 19th, 2009

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Who: Mary and Open
What: Getting to know yous
When: Supper time
Where: The Compound.
Rating: TBD
Status: In Progress

Just sitting here, waiting around to die. )
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