The Quarantined: The Survivors

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The Quarantined: The Survivors


February 2nd, 2010

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Who: Innes, Neil, Rory, & Spider (With Charlie later, whenever she arrives.)
What: Adorning snorkels and flippy floppies.
Where: Nice and close to water
When: Morning
Rating: PG-13, since they all talk like shy little virgins.
Status: In-progress

Maybe you really could be a Cap'n. You know? For real? )

August 2nd, 2009

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Who: Charlie and Cooper
Where: Midtown Manhattan
Why: Cooper's dream DJ helps him out of a jam. That doesn't stop him from wanting to shoot her.
When: sometime during daylight hours
Rated: PG-13
Status: Complete

people say I look weary but that's just the company I keep... )

July 25th, 2009

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Who: Lou and Charlie.
What: Foraging for goodies in the jungles of Manhattan and talking top 5 lists.
Where: Conveniently located in a convenience store near you.
When: A day or two after the escape/rescue.
Rating: PG-13 for language.
Status: Complete.

Lou felt a bit like the opposite of Santa Claus. )

June 26th, 2009

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Who: Charlie & Moses
What: Night At The Museum 3.5: When Charlie Met Moses
When: Sometime after Charlie leaves Neil.
Where: Hall of African Peoples
Rating: at least PG-13 for language
Status: In Progress

Read more... )

June 10th, 2009

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Who: Spider and Charlie(for the win)
When: Tuesday Afternoon
Where: The Salisbury Lobby
What: Spider is making a racket with his squeaky wheelbarrow
Rated: PG-13

HOT Wheelbarrow action )

June 6th, 2009

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WHO || Carmen Harper and any female willing for some girl talk
friend searching
WHEN || Friday, lunch time (the best time to meet people)
WHERE || cafeteria
RATING || PG (will change if necessary)
STATUS || in progress

May 29th, 2009

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Who: Aldo and Charlie
What: A little check up
When: Today?
Where: Aldo’s room/Just outside
Rating: TBD
Status: in progress

May 25th, 2009

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Who: Open to EVERYBODY.
What: baseball, baseball, discussing baseball, debating about baseball, obsessing over baseball, trash-talking about baseball, looting the concession stand for warm beer and stale candy, post-baseball-game partying
When: Memorial Day weekend
Where: the Safe Zone; Central Park; Heckscher Ballfield #2
Rating: TBD
Status: in progress
Notes: Forget what team you're on? Here's the roster. BTW Team Innes wins. Hey, that's the way the dice fell.

It was a sunny and gorgeous day, just as Charlie had announced on her radio program. Dave doubted that any of the adults were completely relaxed, but the mood was festive in spite of--or maybe because of--the armed guards keeping watch from the bleachers. Others patrolled the outskirts of the ball fields and the nearby playground. Even though his team had ultimately lost to 'team Innes', Dave felt that the day had been a resounding success. The kids had actually gotten to play baseball! And now some of them were gorging themselves on sodas and candy bars from the concession stand, he noted with a grin. Maybe the exercise they'd gotten would offset the inevitable sugar rush.

Dave's grin didn't diminish in the least as Rory strolled over. He raised a hand in greeting and waited for the inevitable heckling to commence.

March 26th, 2009

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Who: Ted and Charlie
What: A nice discussion
When: Wednesday night?
Where: Ted's room
Rating: PG-13 for language, and later NC 17 when they have hot scorching sex. Um, maybe.
Status: Incomplete

March 19th, 2009

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Who: Mary and Open
What: Getting to know yous
When: Supper time
Where: The Compound.
Rating: TBD
Status: In Progress

Just sitting here, waiting around to die. )

March 12th, 2009

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Who: Barlow and open to everyone
What: Munching and writing in the cafeteria
When: Noon, Wednesday
Where: Cafeteria
Rating: TBD
Status: In Progress

March 8th, 2009

A Memorial Service, Followed by a Wake

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When: Sunday, late afternoon until the wee hours of Monday morning
Where: The roof of the Salisbury/Conference room on the third floor
What: Sending off the victims of the Salisbury Massacre in style. Please feel free to post in multiple threads!
Rating: TBD, various
Status: Incomplete

There were no flag-draped caskets. The dead had already been buried in haste, the grave sites far outside the Safe Zone--the survival of the remaining residents of the Compound demanded it. There were no oversize flower arrangements, no funeral dirges, just a group of survivors who'd made the trek up the stairs to the roof to say their goodbyes to fallen friends, neighbors, and comrades.

As the sun set over the Manhattan skyline, Father David Maguire opened the ceremony, praying that those gathered around him would find comfort in the familiar phrases. "'I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth; and though this body be destroyed, yet shall I see God.'" The service continued with the Twenty-third Psalm--that being one of the most well-known and frequently memorized bits of scripture the Bible had to offer--followed by the Lord's Prayer.

"'Into paradise may the angels lead thee; and at thy coming may the martyrs receive thee, and bring thee into the holy city Jerusalem'," Dave recited, "'where there is no death, neither sorrow nor crying, but the fullness of joy with all thy saints.'" He made the sign of the cross. "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."

March 3rd, 2009

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Who: Charlie and Neil
What: Drinking and smoking and general tomfoolery.
When: Late Monday, early Tuesday.
Where: At some super cool, badass table somewhere in the Salisbury.
Rating: PG-13 for language and the mention of sea shanties
Status: Completely awesome.

The zombies want your clothes, not to eat you! )

February 10th, 2009

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Who: Quinn and Charlie
What: Fixing things, hanging out
When: Lunchtime Tuesday
Where: The kitchen/dining room area
Status: Complete

Whistle while you work )
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