The Quarantined: The Survivors

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The Quarantined: The Survivors


February 19th, 2010

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Who: Whatshisface & Elle, with Special Guest Hassy-ass
What: Mending Clothes. Peaceful, civil chats about hippies. And other stuff...
Where: Urbana Apartments, Suite F, Living Room
When: After yesterday, before tomorrow
Rating: ...R. They don't behave ever.
Status: Complete

I come from a land in the sky... )

February 17th, 2010

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Who: Triple G, Ernie, and Spirit Fingers
What: Pissing in the snow.
When: Mid-Afternoon. About 2:37 pm. Roughly. Give or take a second hand.
Where: 61st Street, a few buildings down from Urbana.
Rating: R [For mention of bladders, bowels, and baby rabbits.]
Status: Incomplete

You think they still have Singles Nights at the bars? )

February 11th, 2010

{February Flashback-a little late}

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Who: Spider and his parents
Where: In Brooklyn
Why: Things were REALLY bad.
When: The days after World War Z before he joins the compound
Rated: R


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February 9th, 2010

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Who: Jimmy and Elle
What: Looking for supplies. Ish.
Where: Remarkably far from any supplies.
When: Tuesday morning
Rating: R for Roflwaffles
Status: Complete

Discomfort is a vital part of life. )

February 1st, 2010

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Who: Josey and Mary
Where: Queens, a parking lot
Why: Mary gets a flat then she gets in trouble
When: After dark.
Rated: PG-13 to R depending on Gore

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January 31st, 2010

Goin' Down to Sin City

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WHO: Danny Murphy & Ering Lopez & Father Dave (OPEN to all)
WHERE: Just inside the Compound
WHEN: Early Evening, before sunset
WHAT: Danny and Erin arrive at the Compound
RATING: R (Danny swears, a lot)

Rich man, Poor man, Beggar man, Thief...Ain't got a hope in hell, that's my belief... )

January 22nd, 2010

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WHO Billie and Josey
WHAT It's rude stealing other people's panties!
WHEN Noon?
WHERE This is not your ordinary Victoria's Secret store..
RATING R for Josey's probable potty mouth! PG-13 for Josey's not potty mouth?
STATUS Complete

She wasn’t going to just sit around in the cold waiting for her clothes to dry... )

December 31st, 2009

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Who: Lou Solo and Princess Mei Mei-a
Where: Lou's Place
Why: He has something she's after
When: Late afternoon, New Years Eve
Rated: Pg-13 but could get R with Mei Mei's mouth

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December 30th, 2009

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Who: Kaji and Mei Mei
Where: Starting in their secret lair and then who knows.
Why: Siblings being Siblings
When: Around 3:30 in the afternoon.
Rated: TBD

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September 16th, 2009

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Who: Lou and Spider
Where: Starting at the MNH. Finishing god knows where
Why: Spider checks in
When: Afternoon.
Rated: Maybe R? Most likely PG-13

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May 22nd, 2009

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Who: Captain and Spider
Where: The New York Circus Arts Academy
Why: SPider wants circus stuff
When: 10:20 AM
Rated: The three R's.

The world we live in is a little like a Three Ring Circus )

April 7th, 2009

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Who: Ted and Rita
What: A...discussion
When: A few days after the introduction of sex-fuel into the food
Where: The lab
Rating: Let's say 18 for sexness
Status: In progress

March 14th, 2009

Lost in NY

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WHO: Issy Wicked and Lee and Rory only.
WHERE: The Kitchens/Dining Hall on the 3rd Floor
WHEN: Sometime today.
WHAT: Driven by boredom and hunger, the beast ventures forth from his cave.
WARNINGS: Always a good solid R for Issy's foul mouth.

This had to be the WEIRDEST looking Catering he'd ever seen... )

March 8th, 2009

A Memorial Service, Followed by a Wake

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When: Sunday, late afternoon until the wee hours of Monday morning
Where: The roof of the Salisbury/Conference room on the third floor
What: Sending off the victims of the Salisbury Massacre in style. Please feel free to post in multiple threads!
Rating: TBD, various
Status: Incomplete

There were no flag-draped caskets. The dead had already been buried in haste, the grave sites far outside the Safe Zone--the survival of the remaining residents of the Compound demanded it. There were no oversize flower arrangements, no funeral dirges, just a group of survivors who'd made the trek up the stairs to the roof to say their goodbyes to fallen friends, neighbors, and comrades.

As the sun set over the Manhattan skyline, Father David Maguire opened the ceremony, praying that those gathered around him would find comfort in the familiar phrases. "'I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth; and though this body be destroyed, yet shall I see God.'" The service continued with the Twenty-third Psalm--that being one of the most well-known and frequently memorized bits of scripture the Bible had to offer--followed by the Lord's Prayer.

"'Into paradise may the angels lead thee; and at thy coming may the martyrs receive thee, and bring thee into the holy city Jerusalem'," Dave recited, "'where there is no death, neither sorrow nor crying, but the fullness of joy with all thy saints.'" He made the sign of the cross. "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."

February 12th, 2009

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Who: Abigail and Neil
What: Showers. I swear all her threads aren't going to be about showers.
When: Just after dinner, Thursday
Where: Main level; lobby then showers
Status: Complete

Hey, remember that time that I only ate boxes of tangerines? So cheap and JUICY! )

February 7th, 2009

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Time: Now
Place: An apartment complex in Brooklyn
Cast: Payne (solo)

Time passed. The sun rose. The sun fell.

Payne had always had a sense of time. Seconds passed into minutes were pulled into hours eaten by days, and she faithfully recorded the death of each moment as it dutifully marched off the cliff into history, into The Past. At least, it had always been so. For the first time, days passed uncounted, weeks may have gone by. Sometimes she lay in her borrowed bed, remembering the fairy stories she'd been read as a child. Some wayfarer taken into Faerie, where years passed, while outside centuries danced across the stage of time and the world grew hoary and decrepit with time. Time passed, no matter the speed.

It was a little like that. Payne laughed, drawing a mouthful of sickly-sweet smoke into her lungs, the lumps of the futon under her making her back ache. It made sense. The stories always had monsters, fearful things out of nightmares. The world hadn't ended. The bombs hadn't fallen. They were just enchanted )

January 27th, 2009

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Who: Michelle and Rory
Where: The Compound
What: Meal time, yub yub
When: Early morning on Tuesday
Rating: Probably R for language. I wouldn't rule out sexual situations, knowing these two ;D
Status: In progress

Yub yub, let's get grub )
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