July 22nd, 2014

[info]tristan_moore in [info]the_obscured

Baa Baa Black Sheep

Characters: Tris, Tommy
When: Monday, afternoon
Location: near-ish the city hall
Warnings/Rating: TbD
Summary: Tris takes a wander and tries to change a young mind
Status: Complete

It was like poking a bear )

[info]jaimed in [info]the_obscured

Park Park the Dogs Do Bark

Characters: Jaime
When: Monday 6 PM-ish
Location: Starr Farm Dog Park
Warnings/Rating: Language. It's Jaime.
Summary: Jaime takes the dogs out and tries to chill
Status: Closed

Woof woof woof )

[info]hearitbleed in [info]the_obscured

Tuesday July 15th

Who: Fisher and Dahlia
What: Meeting in creepy circumstances
Where: The cemetery
When: Tuesday the 15th, late evening
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress
Warnings: None

He was terrified that maybe it was that HASK group doing something to some vampire, some insane ritual in a cemetery to showcase how unholy and dead they were. )