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We believe the curse must be mistaken.... [Jan. 25th, 2013|08:08 pm]
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[Current Mood |cold]

So it was a cold, clear winter's day at the Sign. People were milling about and all seemed normal (as normal as the Nexus can get, after all). The sun was out even though it was a bit windy and the winter's chill was dissipated by the amount of people.

That is, until a swirling vortex of glowing hieroglyphs made people jump back as it deposited first a young-looking, platinum blonde man and then a wild-haired teenager in the snow.

The man jumped up and caught his breath, spitting out snow as the boy eyed the new place.

The boy eyed the Sign and snickered. "What happens if I don't ask a question?" he said.

"....." his father gave him a nonplussed look.
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New world, new problems [Jan. 21st, 2012|07:01 pm]
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Hei had been just ready to kill his victim, his pupils glowing with that little red dot, his body emitting his blue aura as he drove his hand down to grab his victim, they vanished and his hand collided with dirt.

Blinking for a moment, he defused his bodies energy and looked about confused as to where he was, before his eyes fell upon a sign, a very odd sign. "Ask a Question? What kind of a sign asks someone to ask a question?" Pondering this, he allowed himself to relax only for a moment before quickly returning to his shifty state of looking about himself, making sure no one was going to sneak up on him.

Moving to stand up now, he slowly moved his right hand into his jacket, not wanting to encounter anything that would throw him for a loop. This place was new to him, and even through it was new, he wondered if the Syndicate had anything to do with this. They had always been looking for new ways of challenging him, and maybe they had finally found the perfect challenge.
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The Bitch Is Back [Jan. 23rd, 2011|12:38 am]

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[Current Mood |working]

Dante has once again returned to the Nexus. Now that she has made some plans, she intends to carry them out. Even if she isn't quite certain what she intends to do with Sarah yet. Merely use her to manipulate Edward into returning or moving house. Perhaps both.

As it is, she'll not ready to remove the illusion of benevolence quite yet. Even if her question could imply otherwise.

"What would you do if someone who turns out to be unreliable caused the delay of plans you made for an indeterminate amount of time? And how would you punish them if they are someone you have authority over?"

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[May. 9th, 2010|01:45 pm]

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One may notice an agitated young woman wandering in a circle near the sign, rambling to herself. She looks a mite odd, what with the contrast of silvery scale mail, shield, and short lance with her more modern clothing, rifle, and pistol, and the irritated mumbling doesn't exactly help the image. After a few minutes she finally the turns irately toward the crowd and throws her arms wide.

"So where the hell is the freaking instruction leaflet for this crap?!"
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[Feb. 21st, 2010|10:17 pm]
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Oh hey, new person in the Nexus. Again. Very new, by the looks of the portal that has just closed behind him. Hit by the lights and sounds in the Nexus (really, that sign is hazardous to people's health and HERE'S THE PROOF,) he instantly falls to crouch on the ground, clutching at his head and moaning in pain.

Sensory overload. Not fun.

His hair is long, tangled and matted--a dark chocolate brown that hangs over his face--and his clothing is dirty and ratty--a sweater with a tear in the sleeve at the shoulder, and pants that hang far too loosely on his bony hips. He's also wearing a collar cinched around his neck, a contraption of thick leather and brushed metal that wouldn't have looked out of place on a dog, and he's acting like one that's been kicked to go along with.

"C-can someone turn that off?"
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