February 5th, 2024

[info]cherishedlife in [info]the_cirque

Very late Sunday night/Monday morning (5th Feb)

Happy World Nutella Day and Happy Chocolate Fondue Day. And what is fondue but melted nutella, when it comes down to it? (I can't be sure as I have never actually had fondue. It was never really a thing back home.) I'd be celebrating in the traditional way, but I have no chocolate of any sort (much to my own dismay).

I am looking forward to when I don't have to buy a whole new wardrobe every time we arrive in a new location. But I have Greek holiday clothes, Finnish winter clothes, and now a few more demure long dresses to suit the climate here, and the most beautiful blue headscarf.

The nights here feel so alive, especially after frigid Helsinki. It's nice to hear so much talk and laughter on the midway again. There's never a quiet moment out there, and the shop is going through so much tea. I will need to restock: how fortunate there are markets full of spices so nearby!

I found your mint. I stole a few sprigs from the botanic gardens (don't tell!) and they're in a jar on your step. Keep their ends in water and within a week they will have roots and you can plant them on a windowsill. Mint grows roots so fast you will not even believe it :)

[info]bleed in [info]the_cirque

I love all the secret rooftop bars and hidden speakeasies. If you need a tour of the nightlife, I'm your girl.