Mar. 24th, 2009


What Anna Sees

Title:  What Anna Sees
Author:  my_sam_dean
Characters:  Sam, Dean/OFC
Rating:  R
Wordcount:  5008
Disclaimer:  I own nothing Supernatural.
Summary:  This is what Anna sees when she drops beneath the clouds to check on Dean.  I know my tenses are off.  Sometimes she sees instances in the past, others in the future.

Jan. 27th, 2009


Existing Without You

Title:  Existing Wihtout You
Author's Name: my_sam_dean
Fandom:  Supernatural
Disclaimer: I own nothing Supernatural
Warnings: het, some swearing
Ratings:  R
Summary:  Sam and Ruby making it through the months when Dean was gone
Author's Note:  I'm not sure if I like Ruby so her character is a little wishy-washy.  Sorry!

Read Here )

Nov. 17th, 2008


Bobby Before Hunting, 1/1, R

Title:  Bobby Before Hunting
Author:  my_sam_dean
Rating:  R
Characters:  Daddy Singer, Mama Singer, Singer cousins, Bobby/Loretta
Warnings:  Some swearing
Spoilers:  Dream a Little Dream
Disclaimer:  I own nothing Supernatural.
Summary:  What Bobby's life was like before hunting.

Oct. 10th, 2008


The Beginning -- What Could Have Been

Title:  The Beginning -- What Could Have Been
Author's Name:  my_sam_dean
Disclaimer: I own nothiing Supernatural.  This is fictional.  No money is being made.
Warnings: None, or does schmoop count?
Ratings: R
Summary: Jess and Sam meet and move in together.
Author's Note: How I think Sam's life may have gone if Jess hadn't died.

Sep. 16th, 2008


When Worlds Collide

Title:  When Worlds Collide
Author's Name: my_sam_dean
Disclaimer: I own nothing Supernatural
Warnings: None
Ratings: R
Summary: Dean shows up at Sam and Jessica's graduation and is in their wedding.
Author's Note:  Jessica never died, she and Sam graduated from Stanford and got married.

Aug. 23rd, 2008


Winchesters and Witches

Title:  Winchesters and Witches
Author:  my_sam_dean
Fandom:  Supernatural
Prompt: Dean and Sam taking it easy on the road, looking for their Dad, and hunting (slash)
Characters:  Sam/Dean, John, Missouri, Bobby
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings:  Slash, some violence
Disclaimer:  I own nothing Supernatural.
Summary:  Sam and Dean take some down time and find out that their dad is in trouble.  Will they be able to rescue him with the clues that they have before he is killed?

Jul. 30th, 2008


Teenager in Distress

Title:  Teenager in Distress
Author's Name: my_sam_dean
Disclaimer: I own nothing Supernatural.  This is totally fiction.  No money is being made.
Warnings: None.
Summary:  After getting rid of a poltergeist, Sam and Dean are left with a teenage girl to drive cross-country to relatives.
Author's Note:  None

Jul. 6th, 2008


Brothers' Blood

Title: Brothers' Blood
Author's Name:  my_sam_dean
Disclaimer: I own nothing Supernatural.
Warnings: Slash/Incest.  Spoilers through Season 2.
Ratings: Explicit.  NC-17
Summary: Sam's body temperature goes up.  His visions returns and holy water burns him.  Dean knows they need to get help.  They go to Bobby's.
Author's Note: Spoilers through Season 2.  Warnings:  Slash/Incest.