Mar. 17th, 2010


Fic: Knocked Up 1/1 Torchwood/Doctor Who -10

Title: Knocked Up
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who/Torchwood.
Characters: Ianto, Doctor, Jack, Owen, Tosh, Gwen.
Words: 2702
Prompt: 37. Ianto slept with a stranger in a trench, now he's feeling weird.
Fandom: Doctor Who - 10/Torchwood
Pairing: 10/Ianto, Jack/Ianto UST
Rating: Adult
Warnings: Language, Violence, Sexual Situations, Mpreg.
Summary: Ianto slept with a stranger, now strange things are happening to him.
Author's Note: Knocked Up/Torchwood Fusion.
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Mar. 13th, 2010


Fic: Puss-n-Trenchcoat 1/1 Doctor Who

Title: Puss-n-Trenchcoat.
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who.
Characters: Doctor, Donna
Words: 596
Prompt: 56. Doctor changes and ends up with a former companion.
Fandom: Doctor Who - 11
Pairing: Donna/Shawn
Rating: General
Warnings: Metamorphosis, Crack!
Summary: An accident on the TARDIS sends the Doctor some where strange.
Author's Note: Post 'The End Of Time 2'.
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Feb. 8th, 2010


Fanfiction: Meeting Again 1/3 (Doctor Who: Doctor/Rose)

Title: Meeting Again Chapter 1/3
Author: Dani Meows
Fandom/Pairing: Doctor Who: Doctor/Rose (9/Rose, 10/Rose, 10.5/Rose, 11/Rose)
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst/Romance
Warnings: Contains the Death of 10.5
Word Count: 5,020
Disclaimer: Doctor Who is owned by the BBC. I claim no ownership of any of the characters or objects contained therein.
Beta: I claim every misplaced comma and awkward sentence as my own.
Notes: Written for [info]t_31_bang. I really struggled with this story for the last 2,000 words or so but I think I managed to get a more detailed than normal story out of the deal. Inspired by the icon I'm using to post it.
Feedback: Please! One comment will ensure that I finish the next two chapters! Just one I'm not picky LOL.

Summary: Rose discovers that she can't die at the same time her husband the metacrisis Doctor discovers that he's dying. With his help she journeys back to her original universe. Her and the Eleventh Doctor end up face to face will they be able to move past everything that has happened and find love again?

Meeting Again: Chapter One: Thoughts Of You

Nov. 5th, 2009


Fic: Only Forever (Doctor Who/Labyrinth crossover) (10/Rose, Jareth/Sarah)

Title: Only Forever: An Underground Gallifreyan Fairy Tale
Author: Dani Meows
Fandom/Pairing: Doctor Who: 10/Rose Labyrinth: Jareth/Sarah
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance/Humor
Word Count: 5,244 (And incomplete)
Summary: After Jackie wishes a teenage Rose away, Rose gets a second childhood with the King of the Goblins, Jareth and Sarah Williams. At her second sixteenth birthday Rose meets the Doctor and the two of them connect. But Jareth doesn't approve and the Master wants revenge.
Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who, if I did Rose Tyler and the Doctor would be traveling through time and space forever. I also don't own the Labyrinth or Jareth and Sarah would have ended up together.
Beta: I claim every misplaced comma and awkward sentence as my own.
Notes: This story is a very late story for October's T_31 big bang deadline. I suck. I'm sorry.
It's also incomplete. I have more ideas for what I'll be writing but I finally got it to 5,000 words and I want to get it posted.
Feedback: Please! I could use some thoughts on what I should improve when I edit this and add more chapters. Also just one comment keeps me writing. *Looks cute and mostly harmless*

The last thing she expected was a man who looked like David Bowie, with wild blond spiky hair that looked like he was from the 80's, with eye glitter and wearing a pair of tights, (in which you could see either his assets or a sock)and wearing a poets shirt with frilly sleeves. Grabbing her glass she prepared to lob it at the intruder even as she screamed, "Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my house?"

Nov. 3rd, 2009


Fic: Never Did Run Smooth (Doctor Who: 10/Rose)
Title: Never Did Run Smooth
Author: Dani Meows
Fandom/Pairing: Doctor Who: 10/Rose
Rating: PG-13 or R-ish.. I don't quite get rating systems.
Genre: Romance/angst
Word Count: 5,077
Summary: After the events of the Girl In The Fireplace, the Doctor and Rose are feeling distant from one another. The Doctor realizes his feelings for Rose and wants to win her heart but a pretty boy is calling.
Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who, if I did Rose Tyler and the Doctor would be traveling through time and space forever.
Beta: I claim every misplaced comma and awkward sentence as my own.
Notes: This story is a very late story for October's T_31 big bang deadline. I suck. I'm sorry. The other late one will be up as soon as the last five hundred words come to me. All sorts of bad things happened while I was trying to write this from health problems to computer problems but it's finally done!

Rassilion's lacy black knickers! If he'd just told Rose any of those times that he'd wanted to tell her then he wouldn't have to worry about....

“Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?” the boy asked, his voice sounded smug much to the Doctor's annoyance.

“Oh I'd love to!” Rose replied. She didn't seem to notice either the boys smug tone or the Doctor's irritated face.


Sep. 17th, 2008


Connectivity Issues (1/1) Dr. Who

Title: Connectivity Issues
Author: Tabakat
Beta: [info]andreth_47
Rating: G Possibly PG
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: None General
Characters: Donna, Ten, Doctor Donna, Ten
Word Count: 9,169
Spoilers: Up to Season 4 Including HEAVY Journey’s End
Summary: Open your mind! Open your mind! The Doctor has forgotten who he is, and is wandering the streets of London. Donna to the rescue!
A/N: All Italics are mental communications between Doctor Donna and Ten.
A/N:This Fic has now been Beta'd and the word cound has changed! It GREW!

Read the Beta'd Version

Sep. 16th, 2008


Fic: Red Sky Morning 1/1 Torchwood

Title: Red Sky Morning
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood or Doctor Who.
Characters: Ianto, Owen, Jack, Lisa, Yvonne, Donna.
Words: 6140
Prompt: Secret Life Of Walter Mitty Ianto Jones.
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Pairing: Ianto/Owen
Rating: Adult
Warnings: Language, Violence, Sexual Descriptions.
Summary: Sorting the post was the highlight of his day.
Author's Note: Takes liberties with timeline, episodes, dialog; you'll understand why when you read.
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