Apr. 2nd, 2012


RP: Roy & Zemire

Roy couldn't relax.

He cracked his knuckles again, rolling his shoulders out in a futile attempt to ease his tense muscles. Sleep had eluded him for a few days now, and it was beginning to show; there were heavy bags under his bloodshot eyes, his stubble looked more haggard than usual, and he lamely dragged his feet as he paced back and forth across the room. The bounty hunter's voice still rang clear in his ears - tossing around his brother's name like he had the right, speaking about Roy like his life was some book he could open up and read - and unfortunately no needle had been able to flush that face or those words out of his mind, as hard as Roy had tried. When that didn't work, in a moment of weakness Roy had done something he was certain he'd come to regret.

He'd asked Zemire to come over.

Not that he didn't enjoy the Mirialan's company; Roy liked the time he spent with Zemire, but telling him they had to meet, that it had to be Roy's ship and that it was about something important seemed heavy-handed in hindsight and Roy felt the familiar, nauseous twinge of regret gnaw at his stomach. Roy's ship was docked now, his droid attending the door while Roy waited in the lounge, stewing in his growing anxiety. Zemire would be here soon.

Mar. 24th, 2012


RP THREAD: Zemire and Sinnan talk about some things.

Hoth's shuttle bays never really kept out the cold. Zemire was fine in his temperature-regulated military armor, but he wasn't so sure that Sinnan was faring any better. They sat a little apart from each other on a rickety metal bench awaiting the shuttle. Ciely and Stahnis were supposed to meet them for separate reasons; it just so happened that they planned to gather in the same outpost.

No one else loitered in the waiting room. Most of the people in the outpost were soldiers stationed on Hoth, and they were busy with their own tasks, leaving the two Mirialans alone. A tense silence had reigned between them for the past ten minutes that has grown more and more obvious as time passed.

Zemire had finally had enough of it. Without looking at Sinnan, he said evenly, "So Ciely is your little sister?"

Feb. 29th, 2012


RP THREAD: Roy and Zemire get wasted.

Characters: Roy, Zemire
Timeline: after Hoth
Location: Nar Shaddaa
Summary: Ever watch The Hangover? Yeah. Just like that.

We gotta go to the Fiesty Rancor sometime. The girls there sure give good service, if you know what I mean, and the view is great. )

Feb. 25th, 2012


[RP Thread] Zemire and Stahnis - Hoth Cantina

Stahnis didn't want to judge anything to quickly, people, places, things, ideas. But after she felt the cold eat through the walls of the shuttle down from the orbital station, she was willing to say that Hoth wasn't going to be her favorite place. Alderaan had been an almost pleasant kind of cold, this on the other had was something that bit into the bone. The extra robes and gear she'd brought would certainly find their use.

Still, it was hard to be annoyed at the cold... )

Feb. 12th, 2012


RP THREAD: Zemire and Stahnis

Location: Alderaan
Summary: After talking with Roy (and after receiving some questionable advice), Zemire decides to tell Stahnis how he feels.

Winter was coming. Snow had already begun to settle in the nearly mountains, bringing a slight chill to the valley and its quaint little town. Zemire and Stahnis had met there after taking care of more important business on Alderaan, the trooper having invited the Jedi to dinner and drinks at someplace more respectable than a cantina.

They walked now along the river that wound through town and valley alike, the sun low on the horizon, its last rays bathing the landscape in deep golds, blues, and pinks. The street's lamps flickered on, triggered by the darkening sky, though the only other people nearby were heading home.

"Thanks again for agreeing to meet up," Zemire said after a moment of quiet, contented silence. "I've been so busy the past few months that I've barely had time to stop and relax."