Feb. 22nd, 2012


Headcannon: Synfae

Synfae Sinclair

Little Ball of Ger


Born a slave and kept in a gilded cage she was a Master’s Favorite. Possessing a sharp mind she entertained guests of her master with poetry and tales of sith long past all while using her access to her master’s library to learn of the Force. Her master might have made her the keeper of the library but he was not a kind man, often punishing all his slaves for the folly of a single one. When her powers were discovered she was sent to Korriban where her powers were allowed to grow and manifest. Strange talents took shape (see powers) and she was given to a master to train and join the ranks of the Sith.

Since then she has taken part in the conflicts on Balmora, Nar Shaddaa, Aldaraan, Tatooine, defended the home world of Dromund Kaas and been part of several expeditions with the Imperial Reclamation Service, one of note was on Athiss. She has combated several Jedi and Republic forces including a rather nasty conflict during the Rakghoul Outbreak with Republic Special Forces. Curiously she let the leader of the team live.


The world at large is fascinating to her - until she went to Korriban her entire world revolved around a single library, a hall way, a kitchen and a courtyard. Now as Sith she has free reign over the Galaxy and no one to tell her no. She can be kind hearted at times, she is a Mender primarily… but she has no issue being cruel. What she does not know she will learn, it is the only part of the Jedi code she likes… there is no ignorance there is knowledge. She does not take well to people telling her what to do and is keenly aware that as power grows so too does danger. She never takes well to betrayal and punishes harshly for it. She does show a kind hand for the most part to people and a pragmatic one... but she oh so loves cruelty.

Family / Associates:

Konur Sinclair - Half brother Jedi Knight. Their relationship is a bit odd if strained. Synfae is aware of their relation and has taken it upon herself to inform him of this. He's not taken to it well. They are... strained at best. They do engage in combat when they meet but keep things non lethal. While he seeks a connection to family she condemns him for being nothing more than the Jedi’s lap dog and as a result can be quite cruel to him.

Jazira Marlowe - they do not get along. They have fought on several occasions on Balmora and again on Aldaraan and Taris. She hates Jazira for all she is, stands for, and pretends to be. It started out a little rivalry and has grown into a full blown loathing combative relationship.

Jacquelyn - The big bounty hunter is a pain but Synfae likes her. A solid ally. Well she serves her function of ‘it needs to die go blow it up’. She has integrity as well but a few less morals in the way. She’s fun to be around even if she randomly picks her up in a hug and calls her ‘my widdle angry ball of ger’. It’s…endearing and embarrassing. They both know they are using one another for their talents and connections. They get it and understand and that’s ok.


The first thing that manifested was her healing talents that she used on other slaves. She was discovered when she used her powers to fight off a guest who wanted to close a look at the ‘private collection’. She is a mender, a healer, and while she lacks a good bedside manor the mentality of a healer colors a lot of her decisions.

In addition to the healing arts she's well versed in the use and manipulation of Force Lightning. She bares few marks and scars from it's continuous use because of her healing.

Lastly there's her...special talent. Around her the veil between the living and the dead seems thin. She can see, speak, and draw power from the departed. This manifested and grew strong on Korriban. She can use it to her advantage in many ways from ancient knowledge, language comprehension, learning where ancient artifacts and and their use as well as in combat. She has been known to 'reopen' wounds on someone, rip into their heads and make them relive a painful past or feel the pain of an old injury again. She can also weaken the veil around someone and sick their dead on them. She takes a lot of pleasure in driving people mad with their own mistakes.

Feb. 8th, 2012


Headcanon: Arveene

Cause I've done what I could for you, and I do know what's good for me )
Um... it's kind of a novel....

Feb. 4th, 2012


Headcanon: Caeres

And now for Raynus' dark mirror (or the Sith to whom Raynus serves as a light mirror).

Read more... )