Feb. 12th, 2012


Arlen, Jedi Sentinel



Vyldalla headcanon

this is why we fight )

Feb. 11th, 2012


Headcannon: Konur

Name: Konur (no known surname)

Age: Estimated late 20s, actual age unknown

Species: Human

Homeworld: Nar Shaddaa

Occupation: Jedi Sentinel

Nicknames: Kon

Short Version:  Sharp, witty, a talent for finding trouble and fighting his way out of it; Konur is still a street kid beneath that Jedi Knight exterior. He tries to be what the order expects him to be but holds no illusions they won't use him for what he's good at. He's just a little too jaded to believe any of the 'good' the Republic will ever trickle down his way but it won't stop him from instilling hope where it's needed. He's lived his life, up till now, without it so he knows its power. Friendly and open to a point this knight is just trying to do his part to pay back the Jedi for saving him. He has no illusions; however, that when the Jedi tire of him they will abandon him, just like everyone else has.

( Read me Here )

Feb. 6th, 2012


Oswen headcanon

Don't tell the Masters I said that. )

Feb. 3rd, 2012


Headcanon: Raynus

Well, he hasn't met anyone in-game yet, but here's some stuff on him anyways. Meet Raynus. (Now revised as of 4/17!)

"One of my teachers once told me, 'A Jedi's duty is to democracy, to the Republic.' The problem, I've learned, arises when a Jedi finds it hard to believe in where his duty lies." )