Apr. 8th, 2012


RP thread: Xendar & Arcturis


Something about the whole planet made Xendar shudder with a chill. He could not pinpoint the exact reason, but then, he found there were already enough reasons to feel dread in such a place. Everything in the landscape screamed wasteland, from the dense foliage creeping over the ruins of civilization to the way the bog stank of death and decay. Then there were the rakghouls, the terrible, mutated creations of the Sith, and the rumors of a superweapon fueled by the remains of the long-dead.

Besides, Xendar mused darkly, this is Empire space.

The man had wanted nothing more than to remain clear of Imperial territory, yet duty called; since he'd been nearest to Taris at the time, the Jedi Council had requested he assist the Republic soldiers garrisoned at various outposts with a pirate threat. According to the reports, they'd been raiding supplies and even attacking civilian farms established near the outposts.

What the reports hadn't stated--and what Xendar had been both dismayed and infuriated to discover--was that Republic scouts had spotted a Sith in the pirates' company. Tall and well-built, the file said, with red skin and black hair. A Sith pureblood, the Jedi instantly concluded.

Xendar had taken a speederbike through Republic resettlement territory and now skirted the perimeter, keeping an eye out for pirates or any other suspicious activity. But there was only swamp and swamp and more swamp. Shaking his head to clear away any exhaustion and boredom, he thrust his bike into the next gear and swooped around the foundations of a derelict building, cresting the hill it sat upon for a better vantage point.