Feb. 5th, 2012


Eschlyn Headcanon

Name: Eschlyn Vergessen

Class: Smuggler

Alignment: Light Side

Race: Echani

Age: 25

Occupation: Captain of her crew-less ship, the Space Jam.


-She used to have a crew, or at least claims to have had them. Sometimes she talks about them in present tense.

-Due to her upbringing, she is well trained in Echani martial arts.

-She was destined to become an Imperial Agent, but she ran away from her future because she "didn't like their uniforms."

-She started out neutral until recently. It is unknown as to why she ended up siding with the Republic at this time.


-She's quite the jokester, but will turn serious when necessary.

-She has a poor attention span.

-She can be cocky, having a slight ego when it comes to her skills.