Posts Tagged: 'date:+%5B61.03%5D'



Who: Rikki Barnes & Anakin Solo
When: 61.03
Where: A hostel on Duro
What: Rikki needs to sleep, Anakin tries to make her
Rating: Low

Sit down before you fall over, Nomad. Talk to me. You said you had a bad feeling - is it anything specific? )



Who: Rikki Barnes & Mara Jade
When: 61.03
Where: The Jade Shadow
What: Little itty bitty baby Ben!
Rating: Low

You don't mean I'm having twins, I hope? )



j solo «jsolo@coronet.mail»
To: Rikki « »
024 Selona 61 at 11:54

you have 1 message )



Who: Anakin Solo, Lyric, a cantina owner, 2 thugs, Rikki Barnes, & Elix
When: 61.03, prior to this conversation.
Where: Undercity Coruscant, then Skywalker apartments.
What: Anakin's no good at walking away from someone he could help.
Rating: Low

It was a day he thought of fondly, the day where he'd tell her to stay out of trouble and the young Rodian would look up at him with those big sparkling eyes of hers and say yes Lyric and then proceed to stay completely out of trouble. )



Who: Rikki Barnes & Anakin Solo
When: 61.03
Where: The Skywalker apartments and Solo Apartments.
What: Holocom conversations late at night after brawling and fighting >.>
Rating: Low

Holo incoming )



j solo «jsolo@coronet.mail»
To: Rikki « »
05 Selona 61 at 01:23

you have 1 message )



Who: Rikki Barnes & Mara Jade Skywalker
When: 61.02
Where: Skywalker Apartments, Coruscant
What: Mara questions her 'niece' regarding her Undercity strategy.
Rating: Low

And there is no place in the galaxy that is exactly safe right now. )