Posts Tagged: 'date:+%5B63.08%5D'



Anakin Solo & Lyric

Shooting Star, Unknown Regions
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After all, if Rikki had been tired, than he also was, and there wasn't going to be anything likely to make it easier to deal with in the morning, than sleep. )



Anakin Solo & Rikki Barnes

Csilla space
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Anakin had never been quite so glad to see their ship again. )



Anakin Solo & Jacen Solo

Expeditionary Library, Csilla
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There had never been a more valid sense of feeling as if he was hunting for a kyber crystal in an asteroid field )



Lyric & Jacen Solo

Bastion, Imperial Space
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Apparently they just needed to give you a goodbye battle send off. )



Kess Lindersun & Rogan Ardellian

New Republic space
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Rogan was so delightfully pretty to look at and he had taken to smiling at her and he remembered her name now. )