Posts Tagged: 'character:+jaina+solo'



Darius Vandreen & Jaina Solo

Restaurant on Dac
Low • complete

Jaina goes recruiting. )



Who: Anakin Solo, Darius Vandreen, Jaina Solo, & Jacen Solo
When: 61.10
Where: Shooting Star on the Errant Venture.
What: Anakin is looking for Rikki.
Rating: Low

You couldn't leave people. You just couldn't leave people. )



Who: Jacen Solo, Tenel Ka, Jovan Drark, Jaina Solo, Darius Vandreen, and Lyric
When: 61.10
Where: Shooting Star, over Myrkr.
What: Darius is following orders, Jacen does not approve.
Rating: High

That means there's a chance to get her. )



Who: Rikki Barnes, Jaina Solo, and Rogan Ardellian.
When: 61.09
Where: New Republic Defence Force headquarters, Coruscant.
What: Rikki goes in search of Jaina, makes a new friend.
Rating: Low

Can I help you find someone in particular? )



Who: Jacen Solo & Rikki Barnes
When: 61.07
Where: Solo apartments, Coruscant
What: Catching up and the beginnings of an idea.
Rating: Low

You seem happier. )



Who: Jacen Solo & Lyric, and Jaina Solo, and Leia Organa Solo, and Han Solo, and a Noghri bodyguard.
When: 61.06.
Where: Solo apartments, Coruscant
What: Lyric comes to visit Jacen and gets more than he bargained for in the visit, pt 1 & pt 2.

This might be a mistake, but it was a beautiful mistake. )



Who: Jacen Solo & Lyric, and Jaina Solo, and Leia Organa Solo, and Han Solo, and a Noghri bodyguard.
When: 61.06.
Where: Solo apartments, Coruscant
What: Lyric comes to visit Jacen and gets more than he bargained for in the visit, pt 1 & pt 2.

This should not be that complicated. )



Who: All the people (Anakin, Jaina, Jacen, Rikki, Elix, Lyric, Mara & Luke)
When: 61.05
Where: Pangalactus Restaurant, Coruscant
What: A birthday dinner, a dance, some flirting.

You're so polite Anakin! But it's your birthday, we should be pulling out chairs for you! )



Who: Jaina Solo & Anakin Solo
When: 61.05
Where: Solo apartments, Coruscant
What: Anakin frets about how he looks to his sister.

What Anakin Solo wanted, on the eve of his seventeenth birthday, was to look into the mirror and see a man staring back at him )



Who: Mara Jade Skywalker, Jaina Solo, Rikki Barnes, Elix, and Jari'kyn
When: 61.04
Where: Jari'kyn's Boutique, Coruscant
What: Dresses! Frilly, pretty, girly dresses!

*you look like a Disney princess.* )