Posts Tagged: 'character:+jaxa'



Who: Jacen Solo, Darius Vandreen, and Jaxa
When: 63.06
Where: Darius & Jaxa's place, New Coral City.
What: Jacen's discovered some news that needs to be fixed.
Rating: Low

So, you're clearly not here for the caf. )



Who: Jacen Solo, Lyric, Derek Solo, Rikki Barnes, Tenel Ka Djo, Jaxa, Tahiri, Elix, Jovan Draak, & Chief of State Cal Omas
When: 63.05
Where: New Coral City, Dac
What: The Jedi are knighted, and others are thanked.
Rating: Low

The Republic owes you a debt. )



Tahiri comes home and she's been away for longer than she thought.

Who: Darius Vandreen, Tahiri Veila, and Jaxa.
When: 63.03
Where: New Coral City, Dac (Mon Calamari)
What: Tahiri comes home and she's been away for longer than she thought.
Rating: Low

She knew where she was, but what she didn't really know was where she had been. )



Who: Tahiri Veila, Jaxa, & Darius Vandreen (sort of)
When: 62.09
Where: New Coral City, Dac (Mon Calamari)
What: Darius was injured, Tahiri may have saved him.
Rating: Low

I don't think a Yuuzhan Vong would have saved Darius. But you, you would. )



Who: Tahiri Veila, Jaxa, & Darius Vandreen
When: 62.08
Where: New Coral City, Dac (Mon Calamari)
What: Tahiri has a nightmare and Darius isn't around.
Rating: Low

e's a little impossible at times, but he's not so bad. I've got to watch out for him. )



Who: Tahiri Veila, Darius Bandreen, and Jaxa
When: 62.06
Where: New Coral City, Dac (Mon Calamari)
What: Tahiri goes in search of her friend.
Rating: Low

Missed you too, sunshine. Gets a little dark when you're not around.. )