spaghettific Below are the 4 most recent journal entries recorded in the "spaghettific" journal:
July 11th, 2014
08:49 pm


Sterek Fic
Title: The Boy Who Cried Wolf
Fandom/Ship: Teen Wolf/Sterek
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 8.9k
Timeline: AU but in the vibe of S1
Warnings: Historically accurate in a Hollywood sort of way.
Summary: Stiles guards sheep at night; it’s not his dream job but where there are sheep you need to be on the lookout for wolves.
Disclaimers: Once you’ve read this story you’ll realise I have nothing to do with Teen Wolf or MTV and that’s probably for very good reasons.
A/N: Mostly beta’d by
amo amas amat but time limitations meant some of it was left entirely up to me.
I am forced by the period to use the term ‘manhood’ – nothing else works but I assure you it was written with hesitation every time!

Google Docs PDF: The Boy Who Cried Wolf

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September 1st, 2013
10:21 am


Fic: Sterek

Title: Ye Olde Sterek
Author: Spaghettitoes
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~5.1k
Fandom/Pairing: Teen Wolf - Sterek
Warnings: British Spelling. Perilously precipitous to purple prose (say that three times fast). Kate and Peter are screwed up but in different ways. Pantaloons.  Convenient, vague lube. Historical accuracy to a point.  AU.
Summary: Stiles is a very virginal novice monk but he didn’t chose to be and Derek is a gloomy knight forced to return to a home he’d rather avoid. However, there is light in every darkness and lessons in every situation.
A/N: I don’t care about reality, monks just don’t wear underwear. Also ha – I found a way to justify using British spelling - I’m not sorry, Americans IDK what you have against the letter U. It felt more genre appropriate to have Derek be a bit more chatty than normal, OOC I know but I’ve tried to minimise that where I can. Thanks to amo_amas_amat for the Beta, although I regret I am yet to find anyone with whom I agree on the punctuation of speech. All mistakes are hers of course, even the ones I added later on - that’s why you have a beta.
Should be read in an appropriately dramatic style with an olde English accent and much aplomb.  
Declaration: I have nothing to do with this show or MTV and don’t expect I ever will now that I’ve failed my potions exam.

*bows with a dramatic cape swish*  )

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February 4th, 2012
07:55 pm


Supernatural AU Fic

Title: Deo Volente
Fandom: Supernatural….technically
Characters/Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Word Count: ~35.5k
Rating: NC-17 Ultimately

Warnings: AU – this story has about as much to do with Supernatural as I do. Death/Afterlife. Religion – quite a lot of it, the bastardisation of genuine prayers.

Disclaimer: The fact that I’m still not working on this show may explain S7 – just saying CW, I did offer.

Summary: Dean and Castiel are monks, ordained as priests and serving a quiet little village not far from the border with New Mexico. The two are getting to know each other when the paranormal intervenes and causes them to rethink a few things.

A/N: You could say I have a priest kink but you’d be more accurate in saying I have a religious kink. Too often a priest kink is presented as a costume thing and the rest overlooked but there’s something about the kind of person who dedicates their entire life to religion that is also very intriguing. This is the story of two people who find something in the other they had never expected to receive in life. Along the way they have to consider their view of the world and God.
Beta’d by my darling Wildepet and as AU as it gets; I’m only using the names Dean and Castiel in recognition of the fact that the characters look like them.

Read in Google Documents

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September 1st, 2011
12:11 pm


SPN: Lord help us
\o/ BBTP Baby! 

Title:  Lord Help Us

Author: Spaghettitoes

Fandom: Supernatural

Characters/Pairing: Dean/Castiel, Samantha

Word Count: ~3,200

Rating: This is BBTP folks

Warnings: Sam=Samantha but she doesn’t do anything Sam wouldn’t do. I consider AU a required warning.

Summary: Sir Castiel DeNova exercises his right of prima notca when two of his subjects are arranged in marriage.

Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with the show at all, which seriously needs to be addressed.

A/N:  Historically accurate in A Knight’s Tale kind of way. Thanks to my darling wifey Wildepet for the beta, even if we hold differing opinions on commas. I play kind of fast and loose with additional names, I think Hunith actually has some Merlin association but it doesn’t hurt to use it here. 

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