spaghettific Below are the 6 most recent journal entries recorded in the "spaghettific" journal:
July 11th, 2014
08:49 pm


Sterek Fic
Title: The Boy Who Cried Wolf
Fandom/Ship: Teen Wolf/Sterek
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 8.9k
Timeline: AU but in the vibe of S1
Warnings: Historically accurate in a Hollywood sort of way.
Summary: Stiles guards sheep at night; it’s not his dream job but where there are sheep you need to be on the lookout for wolves.
Disclaimers: Once you’ve read this story you’ll realise I have nothing to do with Teen Wolf or MTV and that’s probably for very good reasons.
A/N: Mostly beta’d by
amo amas amat but time limitations meant some of it was left entirely up to me.
I am forced by the period to use the term ‘manhood’ – nothing else works but I assure you it was written with hesitation every time!

Google Docs PDF: The Boy Who Cried Wolf

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July 1st, 2014
08:59 pm


Fic: Sterek
Title: Invasion of the Stiles
Fandom/Ship: Teen Wolf/Sterek
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 12.3k
Timeline: Post S2 (a happily-ever-after sort of AU)
Warnings: Not good if you dislike crowds or have strong opinions on grammar.
Summary: It is not the how or the why of what happened; it’s not how things got back to normal or who was to blame. What matters is the journey from A to B and
Disclaimers: Once you’ve read this story you’ll realise I have nothing to do with Teen Wolf or MTV and that’s probably for very good reasons.
A/N: Please blame
amo amas amat for everything. This was just a silly idea she enabled shamelessly then beta’d to her further shame. All errors are totes hers; I’m basically her puppet.
American terminology and British spelling, this is my compromise.

PDF on Google: Invasion of the Stiles

Current Mood: tired
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April 17th, 2014
09:06 pm


Teen Wolf Fic
Title: The Age-Shift
Fandom(Pairing): Teen Wolf (Sterek)
Rating: PG (the PGist, you’re more at risk of tooth rot than emotional trauma)
Word Count: 15.5k
Summary: Derek and Stiles annoy a witch, as they are often want to do.
Disclaimers: I still ain’t got nuffin to do with Teen Wolf or MTV, I may have to reassess my career goals.
Warnings: While there is Adderall prescribing information for four year olds, no respectable paediatrician will diagnose a pre-school child with ADHD; they have no access to dosage information in this story and I personally wouldn’t advocate giving powerful medication to children. You probably shouldn’t give them Mace either but I’m flexible on that apparently.
Chronology: Post S3a near-future AU (what, it takes time to write things y’know!)
A/N: Blame Anna: she forced me, through corrupt means, to post this. She also beta’d so blame her twice. All typos are hers, how can I be held responsible for my own actions? American terminology, British spelling – this is the compromise I offer you.

The Age-Shift (link to PDF on Google)

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September 1st, 2013
10:21 am


Fic: Sterek

Title: Ye Olde Sterek
Author: Spaghettitoes
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~5.1k
Fandom/Pairing: Teen Wolf - Sterek
Warnings: British Spelling. Perilously precipitous to purple prose (say that three times fast). Kate and Peter are screwed up but in different ways. Pantaloons.  Convenient, vague lube. Historical accuracy to a point.  AU.
Summary: Stiles is a very virginal novice monk but he didn’t chose to be and Derek is a gloomy knight forced to return to a home he’d rather avoid. However, there is light in every darkness and lessons in every situation.
A/N: I don’t care about reality, monks just don’t wear underwear. Also ha – I found a way to justify using British spelling - I’m not sorry, Americans IDK what you have against the letter U. It felt more genre appropriate to have Derek be a bit more chatty than normal, OOC I know but I’ve tried to minimise that where I can. Thanks to amo_amas_amat for the Beta, although I regret I am yet to find anyone with whom I agree on the punctuation of speech. All mistakes are hers of course, even the ones I added later on - that’s why you have a beta.
Should be read in an appropriately dramatic style with an olde English accent and much aplomb.  
Declaration: I have nothing to do with this show or MTV and don’t expect I ever will now that I’ve failed my potions exam.

*bows with a dramatic cape swish*  )

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January 30th, 2013
09:19 pm


Teen Wolf Fic

Title: Group Therapy
Author: C’est Moi.
Fandom (Pairing): Teen Wolf (Sterek pre-slash)
Rating: PG-15
Warnings: Life Misery – if there’s a trigger in the show, it’s in here (except gore)
Word Count: 679
Summary: Peter is back and apparently everyone has to find closure or some such crap...
Disclaimer: I’m not in any way associated with Teen Wolf and that is something I will just sit here and quietly cry over. Maybe they need someone in wardrobe? I would iron if it got me near this show. I will sew on buttons, I have no pride...
A/N: Unbeta’d as my Wifey is busy and this just crept up on me like a mugger then ran away. It’s better to talk about these things right? Inspired by a fic that intimated Stiles’ mother died in a...well, you’ll see. That story did not see the potential in that idea that I did, which is a shame. I’d give them a mention if I remembered to save my links – sorry!

Gut-punched )</font></font>

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September 1st, 2012
12:26 am


Teen Wolf Fic

Title: Like a Karate-Kid Jedi-Mind-Trick Sex-Master Thing
Author: Spaghettitoes
Fandom(Pairing): Teen Wolf - Derek/Stiles
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5,600
Summary: Stiles is a virgin - Derek has a solution to that.
Disclaimer: I have nothing whatsoever to do with Teen Wolf or MTV but if they wanted to pay me to write for them I wouldn't object.
A/N: I'm not really a stickler for the variable age of consent and won't get into a long discussion on it but I needed a reason for Derek to be building up to sex with Stiles and *ahem* Derek is totes respectful of the law and of Stiles complying with it *nods*.
Highlight for Warnings: * First time (obviously!), Stiles POV, not very kinky which can be disturbing to many, hahaha you're still reading these, Crack, if I had anything to do with Teen Woof Jackson would have turned into the werebutterfly we were promised, Warning section that's bigger than the fic*
Amo-Amas-Amat and Wildepet 

Like a Karate-Kid Jedi-Mind-Trick Sex-Master Thing )</font>

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