Aug. 24th, 2009



Who: Eikki and Chao Quon.
When: Starting with Eikki in the morning, Quon entering in the afternoon
What: A cat boy and his master
Where: The Aladdin
Rating: NC17. Warning for light bestiality, possible fetishism
Status: Incomplete

At this early hour, most of the residents of the Aladdin were either tucked into their beds or slinking into that of someone else )

Aug. 25th, 2009


Who: Cody Allan and Chao Quon. [OTA]
When: Morning, Saturday.
What: Alone in the foreign hotel room that Kuro has taken him to; Cody's mind begins to wander from the moment he awakes.
Where: The Aladdin, Las Vegas.
Rating: M.
Status: Complete.

it could hold up to eighteen rounds at once and could fire them all in less than ten seconds flat without ever getting jammed, needless to say it was his favourite )

Aug. 10th, 2009


Who: Chao Quon and Sanehito Kuro
Where: Entering Aladdin to stay.
What: Reuniting, not the usual Prince Quon knows this day.
When: Very Late Friday, going into Saturday morning
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Humbled and quiet, he sat down his belongings. . .and suffered. )
