Feb. 6th, 2010



WHO; Thomas Renfield and Dulcinea Bianchi.
WHEN; Tuesday evening.
WHERE; the Venetian and the Blood Bar (Mandalay Bay).
WHAT; Dulcinea calls on Thomas for a hunt, since he won't do it himself.
RATING; M for mature. Hunting violence, blood, potential language and/or nudity.
STATUS; In progress.

All alone I hear the angels scream my name. Humanity, I hope you're out there somewhere. )

Dec. 1st, 2008



Who:: Clay and Morganna
What:: Hanging Out
When:: Evening
Where:: The Winery then Blood Bar
Rating:: NC-17
Status:: Complete

No use letting the wine sit out in the air to grow stale while he waited. )

Nov. 9th, 2008



Who: Gabriel and Akihiko (*gasp* I know!)
What: Trying to get first in line at the Blood Bar
When: Late Evening
Where: The Blood Bar at New York New York
Rating: NC-17
Status: Complete

A feeling, almost a chill went up Gabriel's spine, but it wasn't fear that the vampire felt. It was hate. Pure hate. )
