Dec. 15th, 2008



Who: Maiha and Andras
What: Mending what was broken. Hopefully.
When: Very early morning.
Where: Beginning in a 'red' room of the Karyukai. Possibly heading to their rooms in the Venetian.
Rating: R to NC-17, just to be safe.
Status: Incomplete

I pour my soul to those eyes of fire. . . )

Dec. 9th, 2008


Who: Andras, Valerian and Thorne
What: Unclouding memories, Andras getting a talking to more then likely
When: Noonish
Where: Somewhere inside the city.
Rating: TBA
Status: Incomplete

Everything I’m taught, amounts to nought/Everything I learn, the fire shall burn/Notions of myself that when I’m not/Whoever I was is now lost )

Nov. 17th, 2008



Who: Willow, Maiha, Andras
What: Comfort & Confrontation
When: Very early evening
Where: Their rooms in the Venetian
Rating: R - Language, Violence
Status: Complete

Willow let out a sigh and looked down at the newly replaced bedsheets, his work-worn fingertips stroking over the fine embroidery as he shut his eyes to bring to mind images of his sire sewing, those delicate hands working so deftly, so flawlessly... )

Nov. 7th, 2008



Who:: Andras and Mai
What:: Homecoming
When:: Late Late Monday Night/Early Tuesday Morning
Where:: Andras' and Mai's personal room at The Venetian
Rating:: TBA
Status:: complete

You let me violate you/ you let me desecrate you )
