August 13th, 2011

[info]madmurdoch in [info]sons_of_cain

Who: Chuck and Murdoch.
What: Supplies are low.
When: Just after dinner, the night before the attack.
Where: The Kitchen.
Rating: O for Oral Sex.
Status: Complete.
And much as he hated the things, the condoms, they served their purpose. )

[info]ken_kobayashi in [info]sons_of_cain

Who: Ken, Chuck, Damien, Eva, Nadya (posting order)
What: Kidnapping time!
When: Saturday morning, early
Where: Starting at the Hoover Dam and then being brought into the city
Rating: R or so
Status: Complete

One way or another I'm gonna find ya, I'm gonna getcha... )

[info]jade_wilson in [info]sons_of_cain

Who: Jade, Murdoch, Justin and Cormac (posting order)
What: Rescuing the Kidnapped
When: Saturday Morning, just after this.
Where: Dam to Vegas
Rating: R for Language
Status: Complete

You know I'd always come for you, no matter what gets in my way. )

[info]ken_kobayashi in [info]sons_of_cain

Who: Ken, Chuck, Abigail, Murdoch, Jade, Cormac, Justin (posting order)
What: The humans are rescued! YAY!
When: Saturday, late afternoon/early evening-ish
Where: The slave market
Rating: PG-13 to R or so, though only for language.
Status: Complete

Come on, baby, and rescue me... )

[info]ken_kobayashi in [info]sons_of_cain

Who: OTA at the dam! No posting order, just start subthreads within this one! Have fun, get to know other people at the dam!
What: The conclusion of the rescue mission
When: Saturday, close to midnight
Where: Hoover dam
Rating: Not too high
Status: Complete

It's party time... )

[info]jamie_sings in [info]sons_of_cain

Who: Jamie and Dusty
Where: Just outside of Circus Circus
What: Twin kitties vs feral lycans!
When: Saturday afternoon
Rating: R+ for lycan killing and inappropriate smexiness
Status: Complete

The bastards were standing between him and his brother... )

[info]shockandawe in [info]sons_of_cain

Who: Drew and Mike Vega
What: Lycans attacking the Luxor
When: Today
Where: The Luxor
Rating: R for ACTION! And some gore! And lots of flirting!
Status: Complete

Daresay... too quiet.  )

[info]evaferriera in [info]sons_of_cain

Who: Eva and Sylvie
Where: On the strip
What: Finding her slave!
When: Saturday, just after this.
Rating: R for violence and language
Status: Incomplete

Before they even got fully into town, it became apparent that lycans, roves of ferals, had attacked Vegas. )

[info]darkdominance in [info]sons_of_cain

Who: Damien and Lucas
What: Lucas gets into some trouble with feral lycans
When: Saturday, after Damien brings the humans back into the city
Where: The Strip
Rating: R+ for lycan killing and language and sexyteimz
Status: Complete

A couple of the feral lycans were closing around Lucas... )
