November 27th, 2009

[info]al_adil in [info]sons_of_cain

Monday: mid January

Who: Mike Vega, Al-Adil, and his girls
What: Al-Adil makes a trip to the human encampment
Where: Bed & Breakfast, Boulder City
When: Afternoon
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Walking into the desert )

[info]quirky_coyote in [info]sons_of_cain

Monday: mid January

Who: Coyote, Kaikara Onepaw, and Rat
What: Adjusting to domestic bliss (?), and Rat drops by on business
Where: Coyote's bus across from the Stardust
When: Morning
Rating: PG-13?
Status: Incomplete

Chicory coffee - pro: naturally decaffinated, con: naturally decaffinated )
