February 18th, 2009

[info]akihiko_samurai in [info]sons_of_cain

Sunday - Afternoon

Who: Akihiko, Percelle, Sano and Lucian
When: Afternoon, around 'lunch'
Where: Beginning in Akihiko's room, ending in Lucian's rooms.
What: Introducing grandchilder
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

This is the time where their measure shall be assessed, when their death could be as useful as their life. )

[info]kyuketsuki in [info]sons_of_cain

Sunday - Early Evening

Who: Maiha, Jaron, and Thorne
When: Sunday, Early Evening
Where: Streets and then on to more sheltered places?
What: Meeting between friends
Rating: R - Naughty naughty!
Status: Complete

Business was always a grand distraction indeed! )

[info]ava_howls in [info]sons_of_cain

Sunday - Midmorning

Who: Ava and Shadrach
When: After Ava crawls from her body eating bed.
Where: Beginning at Zack's room, ending up...who knows where...
What: Getting to know one another.
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

This is a test of the emergency broadcast system, this is only a test: please refrain from drooling on your pillow as you might not come home alone tonight... )

[info]ava_howls in [info]sons_of_cain

Sunday - Nightfall

Who: Ava and Shannon
When: 7 pm
Where: Tropicana, Club Paradiso
What: We shall see!
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Welcome to Paradise! Please keep your personal items just that: personal. Also, refrain from drooling, we only have one mop! )

[info]gunnar_eriksson in [info]sons_of_cain


Who: Gunnar, Bjorn and Atti
What: Watching Gunnar Work
When: Evening
Where: Hips 'n' Hearts, Luxor
Rating: R-NC17
Status: Complete

Got your song choice for tonight, Guns? )

[info]mr_renfield in [info]sons_of_cain


Who: Thomas Renfield and Dante Raffaele
What: Taking a big step
Where: Dante's appartments, the Mirage
When: Evening
Rating: PG
Status: Complete (abandonned)

Have you said your goodbyes to the light? )
