December 15th, 2008

[info]lioness_layla in [info]sons_of_cain


Who: Layla and Rat
What: Layla mothering Rat? It's possible. *nods*
When: Early morning
Where: Somewhere inside the city. (stealing that from Andras' mun :P)
Rating: PG-13 (angst)
Status: Complete

Running early in the morning )

[info]kyuketsuki in [info]sons_of_cain


Who: Maiha and Andras
What: Mending what was broken. Hopefully.
When: Very early morning.
Where: Beginning in a 'red' room of the Karyukai. Possibly heading to their rooms in the Venetian.
Rating: R to NC-17, just to be safe.
Status: Incomplete

I pour my soul to those eyes of fire. . . )

[info]gabe_lune in [info]sons_of_cain

Thursday: Morning

Who: OTA
When: Thursday morning
Where: Parle Moi, inside Paris Hotel
What: A Meeting of many. (An attempt to associate with whomever would participate.)
Rating: Shouldn't be over PG-13
Status: Complete

A cold morning for a warm welcoming.. )

[info]willow_archer in [info]sons_of_cain


Who: Willow, Lily, Maiha
What: A Chance Meeting
When: Afternoon
Where: The Shadow Bar
Rating: R [Language, Adult Situations]
Status: Complete

Does this deafening silence mean nothing to no one but me? )

[info]sangria_lustro in [info]sons_of_cain


Who: Clay and Laden
What: Hanging Out
When: Evening
Where: Starting at La Scena and ending who knows where...
Rating: TBA
Status: Complete

It caught and smoldered for a few seconds before smoke began to ribbon away from the end. )

[info]rayvens_star in [info]sons_of_cain

Who: Djinn and Rayven
When: Thursday night
Where: Parle Moi's back room
What: Taking care of the flowers and talking
Rating: NC-17 maybe
Status: Incomplete

Une fois sur un rêve )

[info]gunnar_eriksson in [info]sons_of_cain


Who: Gunnar, Ollie and Puptins
What: Shopping
When: Afternoon
Where: On the Strip
Rating: G
Status: Complete

And if he wasn't dead, he had a hell of a lot of explaining to do. )

[info]jade_wilson in [info]sons_of_cain


Who: Gabriel, Jade and Cormac
What: Getting New Rooms
When: Morning
Where: The Orleans
Rating: TBA
Status: Complete

Leaning down, she picked up a piece of cement and chucked it at his sleeping form. )

[info]howling_sky in [info]sons_of_cain


Who: Skyler and Gavin
What: Business As Usual
When: Afternoon
Where: Sklyer's Office
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Skyler wasn't often in the habit of thanking the people who worked for him, but he found that on the rare occasion that he did, his employees seemed to work better. )

[info]sanguine_lily in [info]sons_of_cain


Who: Lily and Gabriel
What: Spending Some Time
Where: Lily's Parlour, then?
When: Evening
Rating: TBA
Status: Complete

She didn't often sleep anymore except when she was totally worn out, but time still seemed a rich commodity she often lacked. )

[info]lunar_eclipses in [info]sons_of_cain


Who: Gavin & Ava
What: Running into each other
When: Evening
Where: Tropicana
Rating: NC-17
Status: Complete

Out of all the people to run into his ex-lover was the last to come to mind. )

[info]aeryn_flynn in [info]sons_of_cain


Who: Aeryn, Gunn
What: First Meeting
When: Evening
Where: Full Moon Saloon
Rating: NC-17
Status: Complete
Double shot of whiskey...make it two. )
