December 5th, 2008

[info]betty_lust in [info]sons_of_cain


Who: Becca, Dante, Thomas, and Maeve
What: A night in Sudore
When: Evening
Where: Sudore Burlesque Club
Rating: NC-17 (Language mostly)
Status: Incomplete

Damn, this place needed somethin' goin'.. )

[info]anemone_hope in [info]sons_of_cain

Who: Becca and Anemone
What: First meeting
When: Late evening
Where: In and out of Sudore
Rating: NC-17 (sexual content and language)
Status: Complete

Just a drink, nothing more ...  )

[info]willow_archer in [info]sons_of_cain


Who: Willow, Lucian, Valerian
What: Come to Jesus Meeting
When: Wednesday Night
Where: Stratoshere, Lucian's Special Room, TBA...
Rating: NC-17 (Violence)
Status: Incomplete

An eternity of hell? )
