Some Reality
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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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Posts Tagged: 'inactive:+markus'

Dec. 22nd, 2019



[No Subject]


Dec. 13th, 2019



[No Subject]

Who: Markus and Morgan
Where: Lafayette Square for this
When: 12th Dec
What: Markus and Morgan explore New Orleans
Status: In progress
Warnings: TBD (mush and language?)

You're the light of my life )

Dec. 5th, 2019



Markus & Tony

WHO: Tony Stark & Markus
WHAT: Getting to know each other.
WHERE: Stark Industries
WARNINGS: Maybe some language.
SPOILERS: Maybe Endgame
STATUS: Threading

++++++++ )

Nov. 30th, 2019



[No Subject]

Who: Markus and Morgan
Where: The streets of NY
When: Backdated to 25th Nov, post b'day party
What: Morgan and Markus explore the city in a whole new way
Status: On-going
Warnings: Mush and heights

Some gifts can't be wrapped )

Nov. 23rd, 2019



[No Subject]

Who: Morgan and Markus
What: Post-Wedding date
When: Later Saturday evening after the reception (Nov. 23rd)
Warnings: Probably much mush
Status: Threading

You set off avalanches in my heart )

Nov. 14th, 2019



[No Subject]

[ ooc: Pushed under Mogan's door, issue #1 of 'Adventures with M&M' illustrated by Markus ]

Nov. 7th, 2019



[No Subject]

Who: Markus and Morgan
Where: Motorbike Shop
When: 6th Nov
What: Morgan helps Markus find Moriarty
Status: Complete
Warnings: Much mush

Let's find the ride of our lives )

Oct. 31st, 2019



[No Subject]

[Delivered to Markus after his last class on Thursday] )



[No Subject]

Who: Connor and Markus
Where: Their Apartment
When: 30th Oct
What: Catching up with added pumpkins
Status: In-progress
Warnings: TBC

Fun is definitely subjective... )

Oct. 24th, 2019



[No Subject]

WHO: Morgan Stark and Markus
WHAT: Snow fun!
WHEN: Early Thursday evening (October 24th)
WARNINGS: Language and cuteness (will update if necessary)
SPOILERS? Possible Endgame and Detroit: Become Human
STATUS: Complete

It was all about balance... )

Oct. 7th, 2019



[No Subject]

Who: Markus and Connor
Where: In the maze
When: Group 2 Disappearance
What: Markus and Connor are zapped into the maze to ensuing badness
Status: Incomplete
Warnings: Spoilers for Detroit: Become Human and death

Where androids go to die… )

Aug. 30th, 2019



[No Subject]

Who: Markus and Connor
Where: A local museum
When: 15th August
What: Learning about their new culture
Status: Completed

Show and tell the android-people )

Aug. 1st, 2019



[No Subject]

Who: Connor and Markus
Where: Random Park and then the apartment building
When: Today
What: The Androids arrive in Goodland!
Status: Complete

this isn’t detroit... )