The Snape/Lupin Newsletter - July 27th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Snupin Prophet

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July 27th, 2008

The Snupin Prophet: July 20-27, 2008 [Jul. 27th, 2008|08:38 am]


The Snupin Prophet is posted on Livejournal and on Insanejournal.

Random Rec:
On Music, by Firefly Quill.

Snupin Santa 2008 sign-ups will open on August 18.

Fan Art:
The Buggeneers, by skitty_kat.

Come for Me, by shadowycat.

Man with a Wolf, by sylvanawood. NWS.

Thickly They Gather, by ponderosa121.

Drabbles (200 words or less):
After the Full Moon, by unbroken_halo.

A Is for Aconite, by ellid.

A Change Will Do You Good, by celandineb.

Doing Everything, by alisanne.

Fumbling for the Words, by nimrod_9.

Image Maintenance, by unbroken_halo.

No Mistakeby schemingreader.

Not My Type, by schemingreader. NC17.

Remains, by red_day_dawning.

Remains, Ashes, by red_day_dawning.

Romeo Is Bleeding, by Sfbfever. Character death.

Sleepless Nights, by Sfbfever.

Solitude, by sweetmelodykiss.

Teacher's Manual, by schemingreader.

Thirteen Stone of Drunken Werewolf, by schemingreader.

Three drabbles, by iamisaac.

Three drabbles, by inamac.

Today's Specials!, by ellid.

Tonic, by alisanne. Rated R.

Two drabbles, by aunty_marion.

Untitled, by iamisaac. Gender-switch.

Welcome to Little Louie's!, by ellid.

Who Knew?, by schemingreader. NC17.

Ficlets (200-1000 words):
Aren't We Perfect?, by Baby Morrison. Remus/Sirius.

Lightning Strike, by Envinyatar.

Mirror Images, by Irana. Rated R.
Summary: Depilation fetishism - sexual arousal from hair cutting. This also includes the touch of scissors and clippers on the body; hair pulling, mirror sex, fantasy fulfillment.

Photogenic, by Ehmaz.

Fanfiction (complete):
Awakening, by sweetmelodykiss. Rated NC17.
Summary: Remus awakens from the darkness for a second time.

Brightest Flames, by Envinyatar. Rated R. Content: mental illness; questionable consent/abuse.
Summary: Years after the war Severus is found wandering the woods, his mental faculties shaken. Remus takes him in.

A Cure for What Ails You, by sor_bet. Rated R. Content: past, unrequired RL/SS; cancer.
Summary: Remus’ visit to a Healer brings up old memories.

Healing Waters, by nimrod_9. Rated PG13.

Mistletoe Madness, by McKay. Rated NC17.
Summary: When Severus gets stuck under magical mistletoe gone bad, Remus has to help free him in unconventional ways.

Shipping, Swimming, and Suchlike, by blpaintchart. Rated PG13.

Fanfiction (WIP):
Angelinus: chapter 6, by Les Dowich. Rated T.
Summary: Book 4 in the Snape Cycle. When Severus inherits the guardianship of a cousin’s twins, it sets off a chain of events that drag the Lupin-Snapes, Malfoys, Potters and Weasleys into a head-on clash with fanatics, drug dealers and babysitters.

Honor: chapter 103, by morganlefay1958. Rated Adult.
Summary: Severus and Remus learn about love together, but other forces try to interfere--and it isn't who you would suspect...

Paso Doble: chapters 9-20, by Arionrhod and McKay. Rated R. Content: non-magical AU.
Summary: Remus and Severus dance around each other literally and figuratively as they compete in a televised dance competition.

Potions, Defense, and Transfiguration: chapter 9, by MingIsRandom. Rated T.
Summary: It is Harry Potter’s 3rd year; Remus Lupin as Defense against the Dark Arts teacher, Severus Snape as the usual Potions Master & Sirius Black is out to get ‘Harry Potter’.

Something Special: part 17, by lordhellebore. Rated R.
Summary: Cliché. A lot. *lol* No, seriously: Having resumed his spying on the Dark Lord, Severus begins to crack. Remus notices, but will he find out the reason, andcan he do anything? How does Lucius fit in? And will Severus be able to help Remus over Sirius's death?

To the Coast!: part 2, by blpaintchart. Rated PG13.

Snupin100 has issued Challenge #166: Cynical.

Lupin100 has issued Prompt #206: Envy.

Tayefeth is looking for stories with formal courtship.

The Moonshadow archive has been updated with 4 stories this week.

Send your Snape/Lupin news to For a permanent, organized archive of these links and more, please visit our affiliate, [info]masterwolflinks.
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