02 May 2007 @ 09:48 pm
TEAM WARTIME ENTRY: Briarwolf "Truth, Like Light"  

Original poster: snarrymod

Title: Truth, Like Light
Author: Briar ([info]briarwolf)
Team: Wartime
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Prompt: Lingering Curse
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Spoilers: Drag mouse over space if you wish to know: * Major Character Death *
Word Count: 16,800 +/-
A/N: Many thanks go to [info]joanwilder for a fast, complete and thoughtful Beta, saving the day at the last minute. ♥
Disclaimer: The characters in this story belong to JK Rowling. No profit is being made by their use, and no infringement is intended.

Summary: Like a typical Gryffindor, Harry runs into things without thinking. Someone has to pick up the pieces.

Truth, Like Light )