
we put a stopper in death

The World of Severus Snape

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Welcome to Snapedom!
If you want to see snapedom entries on your LJ flist, add snapedom_syn feed. But please remember to come here to the post to comment.

This community is mostly unmoderated. Read the rules and more in "About Snapedom."

No fanfic or art posts, but you can promote your fanfic and fanart, or post recommendations, every Friday.

October 28th, 2008

Ignorant American craves enlightenment from Brits re: OWLS

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I realize my interpretation of characters has been influenced since HBP by my habit of conflating OWLS scores with the American grading system: A, B, C, etc.

But I gather JKR is basing the OWLS on the O-Levels, for which I have no cultural reference.

What does it mean that Harry can do E work in most of his classes, while scraping an O in the class he's been receiving intensive tutoring in since 3rd year?

In the American grading system, you'd have to be quite bright to get absolutely straight A's. Getting mostly B's means, basically, you're a bit above average or average but willing to apply yourself. Getting a B in a class where you've knocked yourself out trying to get an A means you aren't that great. Anyone willing to work hard enough should be able to scrape a C. I've been conflating those to O, E, A--how far off am I?

(For comparison: George W. Bush "passed" most of his college classes, but never, if I recall his published transcript, got higher than a B on those he consented to take letter grades on. Which would make him comparable to Ron, if A/B/C compared to O/E/A. Am I being grossly unfair to Ickle Ronniekins?)


July 23rd, 2008

Hello Portus?

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Did any of you meet Underground members? How was it, did you have fun?

I've been looking at pictures from people on the flist, and they are great. It does look like you all had a lot of fun. One person standing out, however, from all reports unanimously, was droxy as Severus (and as Voldemort). The pictures I've seen were fantastic, so I asked annietalbot if no one took any videos, and she directed me to pern_dragon who gave me permission to link to this. Thank you, ladies! :)

And here it is:

July 9th, 2008

With the Mod's Permission, I Proudly Present: Portus Envy

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Left Behind? Bored? Suffering from Portus Envy (or Snapefest Envy)? Well, we've got the cure.

You may not be going to Portus, but that doesn't mean you can't have any fun this week!

As thrilled as we all are for our fandom friends who are enjoying the festivities in Dallas (and really, we are thrilled), that doesn't mean that those of us who are missing it have to miss out. Instead of sitting around and feeling sad and allowing LJ to slow to a crawl this week, why not channel all that frustration into some fabulous creativity? There are tons of talented people who won't be at Portus this week, and if we put our heads together, we can entertain one another quite well. Already, a number of brilliant drabble challenges and other special projects have been proposed.

That's where portus_envy comes in. Let this community serve as your nexus of entertainment. We aim to showcase all the challenges, stories, art, icons and more that are produced by your fellow Portus outcasts. Offering to write custom drabbles for those with Portus Envy? Post your offer here! Have you come up with a fun game for others to play? Post it! If you're moved to start a special project, write fic, create icons, drabble or drawble this week, then please feel free to post a link or announcement here, so that others can see it and enjoy. The more people that get involved, the better!

So if you're looking for a good way to pass the week, looking to commiserate with fellow fans or are interested in meeting new and different people from all corners of the HP fandom, then come surf portus_envy and see what's going on! As far as we're concerned, this is our own sort of party, and we're planning to have plenty of fun at it.

Please, come join the celebration! We'd be delighted to have you all--any ship, any corner, as long as you're interested in Harry Potter fandom and want enjoy the creativity.

Enjoy the community and spread the word!

(With immense thanks to [info]sylvanawood for graciously allowing me to post this here on Snapedom.)

For those of you who no longer use Livejournal, or no longer wish to use it, a mirror community has been arranged at [info]portus_envy. Please feel free to check it out, join and start posting, if you're interested.

June 12th, 2008

Portus, Snapefest anyone?

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I am getting excited about my virgin voyage to an HP con, and the first ever Snapefest. Should the Underground have a secret Handshake or something? A meet-up of our own? A Button?

What do you all think? Who's going? What do I need to be sure I do/don'tdo, take/don't take, on my maiden voyage?


NOT too old for this!Ven

May 9th, 2008

Taking costume commissions for Portus 2008

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Dear mods--Let me know if this is not OK...

Just passing on that I have a slice of time between shows to take on a few costume commissions for the Portus 2008 convention this July(?).  E-mail me at kissmacabre(at)gmail(dot)com for particulars if interested...  

May the Schwartz be with you!     (Oops!  Sorry...wrong fest!)

April 24th, 2008

Canon/fanon Snape questions

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As you may have noticed I have been asking canon questions on Fridays. Well, [info]sylvanawood and I were thinking of making it a regular feature at [info]snapedom. But I will also try to come up with fanon questions too. So everything from where did Severus spend his summers while teaching at Hogwarts (Spinner's End? Somewhere else?) to why does he always smell like sandalwood and bitter herbs (Don't all the Potterverse men smell like Sandalwood?).

So, to start off-do you have any questions like that about Snape? I'm going to collect suggestions and post them once a week, probably Tuesdays. (Cross-posted to my journal.)

These posts will be shorter and less involved than meta or essays but I think it will encourage some interesting and hopefully fun conversations.

April 18th, 2008

A reminder and a poll

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Challenges this month:

1. Snape and Slytherin House


2. Snapedom Revisited: Severus after DH (Last year's October challenge).

And just in case you have the impression that you can only post about these topics and only during that time: this isn't so.

Please, post anytime about anything you like as long as it concerns Severus Snape in some way.

And then there are the Friday Recs. I wanted them once a week, because I didn't want to spam the community with fic and art related posts. However, as it is, every little bit of spamming seems to be a good thing at the moment, everyone either seems to be busy or to have lost interest. Thus the poll (I hope it works better than last time).

How often do you want recs?

View Results
Free poll from Free Web Polls

March 18th, 2008

How to pimp the Underground?

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ETA: I meant snapenews, not snapedom, below, duh. Aren't I self-centered? I'll go and fix it.

We are settling in. First contributions to the challenges are appearing, things start to get comfortable. And the tags work with clicks now, too, which makes me a happy camper, since most of my organizing here depends heavily on the right tags, and typing them in all the time was a bit of a pain.

So, now we need to make ourselves known. On the old site, I used to announce every new challenge to the three newsletters daily snitch, hogwarts today and snapenews. snapenews watched us at that time, and thus new contributions/threads were regularly announced there, too.

When we had that fandom wank episode, we closed the community for a while and then had members only. Now we're open again, so nothing speaks against advertising if we want it. Getting people to know about us can bring interesting new Underground members. It can also attract more fandom wank, but I think we're seasoned enough by now to just ignore this. If people have nothing more creative to do with their time than to point and laugh... let them.

Some suggestions for pimping under the cut, and a poll.
Read more... )

October 29th, 2007

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Original poster: chrislola

I'm new to the community, so I've been sifting through all of the posts (all your arguments and essays are so wonderful) and I'm so happily surprised at how many people believe in Snape as a good character, despite what his creator has said about him. I just wanted to note how amazing it is that so many have taken in this character to recognize him as someone more honorable than even some of the supposed good guys within the series. It's like through the fans, he's come to life in a way that, regardless of how much JKR disagrees, is greater than anything she intended or probably even imagined. Perhaps it is because her inspiration for him wasn't a bad person to begin with; just someone stern.

A Response to JKR

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Original poster: pythia_delphi

I am thoroughly fed-up, as I am sure most of you are, of JKR's constant bad-mouthing of Snape any chance she gets to be on a public platform. Is she taking subversive delight in ticking us off? Instead of going into a rant however, I thought of posting this poem, an excerpt from the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam by Edward Fitzgerald, which seems to aptly sum up my feelings on the issue.

October 27th, 2007

Fandom News, Gathered From Unusual Spots.

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Original poster: catherinecookmn

Got this over at the Dark Christianity LJ group (where I don't usually find my Potterverse news):

The person shutting her site down because she thinks that a gay character in the Potterverse is amoral is also the person who was most famous a few years ago for drawing and showing a pic of naked-Snape-in-bathtub, his genitals obscured by soap foam and bubbles. For a fee, IIRC, she'd send you a version of that pic without the bubbles, as well as other naughty pics. (Here's a reference to said bathtub pic, thanks to the magic of Google. The original link was over at her site on but that doesn't work anymore.)

This has been your Weird Potterverse News From Unusual Sources for the day. :-)

(Crossposted to [info]snapedom and my own LJ.)

UPDATE: Thanks to [info]sander123, who found an archived version of the covered-by-bubbles version of the bathtub pic. Do you see that he's reading a National Geographic? Back before Playboy and the like, American men (if not British ones) would use this mag as a 'respectable' way to ogle naked women, since it was considered 'okay' to look at naked women if they came from the developing world and weren't white women.

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