
we put a stopper in death

The World of Severus Snape

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This community is mostly unmoderated. Read the rules and more in "About Snapedom."

No fanfic or art posts, but you can promote your fanfic and fanart, or post recommendations, every Friday.


January 18th, 2009

"Happy Birthday Snape-sensei!" sing fans gathered in Tokyo

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Last weekend, a Japanese Snape fan organized a birthday party for the universally beloved professor. Link to her Japanese blog with some pictures under the cut. )

...Hope this isn't off-topic! Just wanted to share the feeling that there are fans celebrating Severus Snape having been born in all corners of the world ^_^

January 12th, 2009

Almost a wizard.

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For Snape's birthday. A bit insubstantial, and a bit late - but ultimately cheerful, which was the remit!

Severus's birthday

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Better late than never, I suppose! Here's the link to my latest:


January 10th, 2009

Birthday Recs

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I went over my flist looking for birthday fic for Severus. If anyone else knows of any fic or art that didn't get posted to [info]snapedom, leave a comment here and I'll add it to this list.

Happy Birthday, Severus by [info]jin_fenghuang Art
Breathe in Awe by [info]lilyseyes Severus/Harry, NC-17
Alone by [info]snegurochka_lee Severus/Remus, ANGST, PG-13
Up, Up and Away by [info]nimrod_9 Severus/Remus, NC-17
Happy Birthday, Severus by [info]accioslash Severus/any male, not rated but suggestive
Severus Snape, Party Planner by [info]alisanne Severus/Harry, PG
Severus and his Mum by [info]accioslash Art
Overwhelming Temptation by [info]alisanne Severus/Harry, G
More by [info]lilyevans_snape Severus/Unnamed Female, PG-13

From [info]lupin_snape:
Birthday Girl by [info]ellid Gen
In the Headmaster's Chair by [info]wolfiefics Snupin, not rated
Coward by [info]omni_sama Snupin, not rated
A Pillow, Parchment and Potential by [info]nimrod_9 Snupin, PG-13
Satisfy by [info]zhyn ART, Snupin, PG-13
Gift-Wrapped by [info]tetsubinatu Snupin, PG
And then Remus James Utechin brought him a cup of tea and smiled shyly by [info]drusillas_rain "Real-Person drabble. Also, the only snupin is in the title, but it's implied in the after parts", PG
Untitled by [info]skree_ratling Snupin, PG
Untitled by [info]hogwartshoney Snupin, G
Orfeo ed Remus by [info]drachenmina Snupin, PG
When the Moon Is In the Seventh House . . . by [info]scribbulus_ink Snupin, PG
Emendate Donum by [info]ms_jvh_shuh Snupin, PG
Untitled ART, Snape, G
Wedding Snupin images by [info]ureima
A Familiar Ingredient by [info]zephre ART, Severus, G
I've Never by [info]tjwritter Snupin, PG-13
Shadow and Spy by [info]westernredcedar Snupin, PG
Blow by [info]geek6 Snupin, PG
Sweet Things by [info]july30first Snupin, PG-13
Surprise by [info]mon_ami_runa Snupin, R
Ribbon by [info]skitty_kat ART, Snupin, G
"From me to you, happy birthday (son)" by [info]osmalic Snupin, G
Celebrating, the werewolf way by [info]dungeons_master Snupin, NC-17, heed warnings
Emendate Domum (flip-side) by [info]ms_jvh_shuh Snupin, PG
My Sweet Prince by [info]senjy Roman/Severo (reincarnations of Remus and Severus), PG
A Very Pesky Birthday by [info]purpleygirl Snupin, R
Birthday Boy by [info]midnight_birth Snupin, E
Surprise with Candles by [info]spiceholmes Snupin, PG-13
Should-haves Are All We Have by [info]omni_sama Snupin, R
Indulgence by [info]chazpure Fic and Art, Snupin, G
The Other Sword of Gryffindor by [info]nepenth ART, Snupin, R
Pluck and Vigor by [info]little_iago Snupin, PG-13
Snake by [info]dancingskeleton ART, Severus, PG

A Birthday Gift

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Characters: Severus
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: Severus receives an owl bearing a small present on his sixteenth birthday - a future.
Word count: 618
Author Notes: A short piece for his birthday.

January 9th, 2009

Friday Fic Rec: Emendate Donum

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I wasn't able to come up with an original fic for our favorite Potions Master's birthday, so I decided to rec a series of wonderful birthday ficlets written by someone else. (The pairing isn't listed in the headings, but as they were originally posted on [info]lupin_snape , it can be assumed to be Snape/Lupin ^_^):

Title: Emendate Donum
Author mayachain ([info]ms_jvh_shuh)
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~500
Prompt: Draco Malfoy
Summary: Three times Draco Malfoy gave Severus Snape something for his birthday.
Note: Ties in with last year's January 9th R.S.V.P. and Thirty-Nine

and also this companion piece, told from Snape's point of view:

Title: Emendate Domum (flip-side)
Author: mayachain ([info]ms_jvh_shuh)
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~650
Prompt: Draco Malfoy
Summary: Three times Severus Snape received something from Draco Malfoy for his birthday.
Note: Ties in with last year's January 9th R.S.V.P. and Thirty-Nine

The first is a really lovely look at Snape, seen through Draco's eyes as a child, and eventually as an adult, as he and Neville conspire to give Snape a happy birthday. The second story shows the same events, viewed from Snape's perspective. The two prequels show Draco and Neville's manipulations, as they arrange to have Lupin and Snape meet on the latter's birthday.

January 10th, 2009

Happy Birthday, Professor

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A bit late, but hopefully he won't mind:

January 9th, 2009

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Happy Birthday Snape!

Hooray for Snape. And to celebrate, I've orchestrated my own birthday bash for him!!!

Title(s): Birthday Bash pictures 1-8
Artist: [info]littleblackbow
Media: Watercolor, pen and ink, pencil
Warnings: None
Rating: G to PG
Character: Severus Snape!
Artist notes: These are all previously unscanned images. Some were just sketches in my sketchbook that never made it any further, some are portraits I made specifically for his birthday! I have one more to finish, and I'll post that later. I just wanted to get these up in time for his birthday!!

Happy Birthday, Severus Snape!

January 10th, 2009

For your birthday, I got you....

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A very quick picture to celebrate *g* (pencils on the train, speed-inking at home). This was ready ten minutes before midnight on the 9th, but sadly the scanning and posting took until the 10th ;_;.

Title: For your birthday, I got you me
Artist: [info]sigune
Media: Staedtler pens on (thin) paper
Rating: G
Characters: Severus Snape, Brynhild Bromley (OFC)
Warnings: Ever seen Sigune art with warnings, then, have you? ;P

For your birthday, I got you me )

January 9th, 2009

Comics rec!

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Sydpad on LJ has not been creating a series of comics for some time now, called "Trains in this Country." Here is a masterlist of all postings. The series is funny, sad, intriguing, and action-packed. She also draws a fabulous Snape! She aims to finish the story today, for some reason known only to her.

ETA: The journal will be friends-locked shortly, so see it now!

Happy Birthday, Severus!

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I shamelessly recycled this from an old ArtPad contest.

January 8th, 2009

FIC: The Prince's Birthday

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Title: The Prince's Birthday
Author: [info]torino10154
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~300
Genre: Gen
Disclaimer: Not mine. They belong to JKR.
A/N: Written in honor of our favorite Potion's Master's birthday, January 9. Thanks to [info]drachenmina for the beta. *hugs* Any mistakes that remain are my own.

Another Birthday Fic

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Well, I did suddenly find 720 words of PG15 unbetaed birthday speculation in the notebook this morning, so thought I'd share (full headings and fic under this link to:

The Potions Master, The Wizard and the Wardrobe in my IJ.

January 7th, 2009

Fic For the Birthday Boy

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Title: You Won't Be Alone Now

Author: Severed Lies
Word Count: 1140
Rating: G
Characters: Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy

Warnings: Fluff

Birthday Round Robin

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Let's write a birthday boy round robin. Beware, it can be silly, multi-or no ship, and you can even enter art to illustrate. Let's just start it, shall we? (And don't forget to pimp the party to your friends!)

His 49th Birthday

Snow was falling. Severus sat in front of the fireplace in his cottage and savoured the taste of the old port that was given to him by Lucius Malfoy. It had become a birthday tradition.

And so he raised his glass to himself and drank to a birthday he never thought he'd live to see.

(to be continued by:?)

ETA: TBW, the evil, posted a comment and deleted it. I can't count, I think I pulled a JKR there. Or maybe I live in the past. I did like SnaSyl as a new ship, though. :p

The Birthday Party Starts NOW!

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I know, I know, you're all tired of fests, the sshg exchange has started, other things happen in the fandom... but don't forget to raise your glass and post a bit of silliness and/or serious wishes for the second birthday of our so not-dead Severus. Come on, Underground!

And thank you to all who posted comments about the snarc/snapedom merge and other things, thanks severed_lies for starting the new contest, thanks esmestrella, for putting up the masterlist!

Ahem, it's cold outside and the Summerfest is finished.

I'll get to all these things in more detail tomorrow, hopefully. And now, let's party!

December 30th, 2008

Severus' Birthday Approaches...

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...and we want to have a party, don't we?

We had one last year, and it was fun. Why don't we just continue with the same?

We'll celebrate Severus' birthday together from January 7 to January 13. His birthday is January 9.

For entertainment:

- Write drabbles/ficlets. Possibly about a good birthday moment, or some other good/decent moment for him. There was misery enough, we want to see him smile (even if it scares us). Let's make it a 1000 word limit.-

- Write and paint/make postcards. This can be joint projects between artists and writers.

- Make art, sing a song, dance a dance, knit a plushie... but show us the pictures here.

- I'm not going to organise a snail mail campaign with birthday cards for Severus to JKR... you'd have to do that on your own. ;) I m of the opinion the less she says, the better.

For food and drink:

- Post your favourite Severus-party recipe.
- Post your favourite drink or cocktail recipe (alcoholic)
- post your favourite non-alcoholic recipe.

Try some of them and raise your glass to the wizard. What you do on this community on the day of his birthday is up to you. :D

As usual, this will be a very informal party.

January 25th, 2008

Fic: NC-17 "Youth is a Disease from which we may recover" ss/rl

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Original poster: red_day_dawning

Here is my very late birthday offering for Severus Snape.
Happy birthday, Severus!  I thought I would give you a new life and an old lover...

It may be found  here: ;

January 24th, 2008

The party is over... Prepare for the next.

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Original poster: sylvanawood

Ok Underground. We've had a great, long bithday party and Severus was pleased.

Now we go back to normal procedure.

No fanfic! You can post on your journal and link here every Friday. Short passages as teasers are allowed, of course.

No fanart! You can also post on your journal and link here. Thumbnails as teasers are allowed.

This is mostly to keep the community 'clear' for the discussions, otherwise it's difficult to find things. As reply of a challenge or party, meta-fic or drabbles are of course allowed. Likewise art of all kind.

To avoid clutter, I'm also asking you to put longer entries under a cut.

'Transgressions' will be persecuted by me, so don't count on detention with the Potions- or Defence- or Headmaster. As you all know, I'm tough as butter in the sun when it comes to that, so better be good!


And now: let's get prepared for Valentine's Day. I don't think I'm mistaken when I think that you'd want to show your Snape-love? I thought we could have a party again. A bit smaller this time. I'll post a table of prompts, and you chose one (no limits or other restrictions, no announcing that you chose it necessary) and then post what you did with it on Valentine's day (or how long it takes.)

And so I'm asking you: please give me prompts. We'll collect them here in this post, and I make a table of them all next week. We'll collect prompts until the 30st, midnight, and I make the table on the 31st or 1st of Feb. That way you have time to pick your prompts. The prompts don't have to be specific, it's up to the ones who chose them what they do with them.

January 21st, 2008

The Snape Clan--Volume 1: Severus Snape: His Life, Death, and Life

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Original poster: karendetroit


The house on Spinner's End slowly succumbed to the grief of its inhabitants. 

Eileen sought exhaustion in the mill to blank out her grief. She and Toby had lived so little time together and every day was a precious memory that she sought to keep fresh and unfading. After work and dinner, if sleep eluded her, she would study her father's grimoires for spells and charms to hold fast each golden minute. She was distracted in her manner, ignoring her son and her father, only because seeing them brought fresh pain. Eileen kept people at arm's length.

Septimus Prince could feel his vigor dissolving with each day that passed. He refused to seek a Healer, and resorted to alcohol to deaden the pain and to keep memories of his previous foolishness and his long-dead wife at bay. Living with Eileen and the boy was a sweet pleasure and a horrible penance for the bad things he'd done. In his depression, Septimus longed for death, but not too soon. He had to see to the boy's education, get him settled into adulthood. Then he could die peacefully and beg the dead for mercy and forgiveness. 

He broke the protective spells and sold his cottage, banking the funds for Severus' education. He sent the Prince family Elves to Hogwarts to await their opportunity to serve the Half-Blood Prince. And he brought his library to Spinner's End and started teaching Severus the fundamentals of the magical arts. 


...".the quality of your materials and the accuracy of your preparation determines how good your finished potion performs," Septimus concluded. "Now, let's see how your Swelling Solution does."  

Grandfather and son watched as the earthworm grew to ten times its size. 

"Now a drop of the Deflating Draught," he prompted. The earthworm returned to its original dimensions.

"Well done, boy! Arsenius himself couldn't have done better!..."

...." And that's the first spell all students of Charms learn. Let's see you try. Take my wand, speak clearly and move firmly and confidently!" 

"Wingardium Leviosa" chanted Severus, and the duck's feather rose in the air barely an inch and then flopped back on the table.

"Eileen, where is your wand? Mine doesn't respond to the boy!" Septimus called. 
Eileen came in, wiping her hands on her apron. "Father, he's too young for wandwork. He's not even 6 yet, let alone 11!"

"Poppycock! Princes are renowned for their precocity. He has the charm mastered, he just doesn't mesh with a phoenix core,"  Septimus gestured. "Let him try your wand."

Reluctantly, Eileen handed her son her unicorn hair wand. "Wingardium Leviosa,"  Severus chanted again.  The feather twitched on the table but did not rise.

"That's worse than before. We may need to go to Ollivanders, boy, and find a wand that suits you,"  Septimus confided. "Perhaps one with a dragon's heartstring would suit you better." 

Eileen snatched her wand from Severus' hand. "There's the ebony wand I had from my mum, it's dragon's heart-string." She climbed to the attic storeroom and rooted in a chest marked "EP".  Grandfather and grandson heard thumps, creaks and sneezing, and the crackle of magic as Eileen cleaned the attic room.

She returned, somewhat the worse for it, and handed the ebony wand to her son. "It was my grandfather's wand, Severus, the man you were named after." 

They watched as the lad cast his spell, and the feather glided through the air at his command, responding to the slightest change in direction.

"I think we have found your wand, boy," Grandfather Prince declared. "Good! One less expense!"....

....."Why do I have to go to school? I don't want to be a Muggle!" Severus protested. 

"It's part of being a wizard, boy. You are living in a Muggle community, and you don't want to call attention to yourself, therefore you WILL go to school with all the other children," Grandfather said. "I won't teach you any more unless you do."

"Mum, can't I stay home? Tell them I'm sickly, or something," Severus whined.

"Severus, part of being a wizard is knowing how to act around Muggles. You don't have to live as a Muggle, when you are all grown up, but you will not be able to hide from the wider world unless you know Muggle ways," Eileen hugged him. "Besides, a growing boy needs exercise and some friends, and every other child will be in school having fun and learning things and you will have no playmates available."

"Give it a week, boy, and see if you can stick it out. You'll turn eleven and be off to Hogwarts before you know it, and they will expect you to have mastered reading, writing, arithmetic and such before you get there," Grandfather added. "We'll continue our lessons after dinner."

Eileen's sharp eyes looked him over. "What's this?" She plucked the ebony wand from under his shirt. "The wand stays home, Severus. No magic, no discussion of magic, and no wand! Remember that you are trying to make friends, not enemies. Now, give your grandfather a hug and let's get you to class...."

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