The Sirius Black Newsletter's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
The Sirius Black Newsletter

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Humpday, May 6, 2009 [06 May 2009|05:17pm]

[ mood | busy ]

Welcome to the latest smut filled edition of [info]sirius_news! If you have an item you think we should link to please send us an email at

[info]hp_april_fools has announced its2009 Golden Squid Awards.
[info]pervy_werewolf has posted its LMOM Week 2 Prompts.

Things are Not What They Seem (Sirius, Narcissa, Walburga, Bellatrix, Andromeda; G ) by anonymous in (Link is to part 1. Follow the links to parts 2 and 3.)

For the Slashers
LMOM #4: Games People Play (Remus/Sirius; PG13) by [info]celandineb
LMOM #6: Point of No Return (Remus/Sirius; NC17 ) by [info]celandineb

LMOM #3: Bits of Blue and Gold (3/31) (Remus/Sirius; NC17 ) by [info]summerborn


For the Greedy - Het and Slash!
LMOM #4 Dare (Remus/James, mentions of Sirius/Lily; NC-17 ) by [info]gala_apples

Disclaimers - [info]sirius_news is a newsletter not a recsletter. Unfortunately, we don't have time to read all the Sirius items to assess quality - we wish we did! Please also remember that the warnings given are those provided by the creator of the work concerned. When following links from [info]sirius_news take note of all ratings and warnings.

Take a little time from your Happy Humping to celebrate Masturbation Month! After all, when one asks: What Would Sirius Do? WANK! must surely be near the top of the list.

are you innocent?

Sinday, 3 May 2009 [03 May 2009|10:15pm]

Welcome to the latest smut filled edition of [info]sirius_news! If you have an item you think we should link to please send us an email at

[info]pervy_werewolf has a mod post.

The Emperors of Ice Cream (Sirius, Marauders, Moaning Myrtle; G) by [info]leochi
Frolic (Marauders; G) by [info]ani_bester

The Emperors of Ice Cream (Sirius, Marauders, Moaning Myrtle; G) by [info]brighty18

For the Het-lovers
A Better View (Sirius/Hermione; PG-13) by anonymous in [info]hp_april_fools

Why Alice Shagged Sirius (Sirius/Alice, Lily; PG-13) by [info]dead_sexydexy

For the Slashers
Remus from "Mods and Rockers" (Remus; G) by [info]arksina

Under Me You (Sirius/Remus; R) by [info]anna_bm
Lover's Knot (Sirius/Remus; R) by [info]anna_bm
Listen Very Carefully (Sirius/Remus; R) by [info]celandineb

Moonstruck (Sirius/Remus; G) by [info]thesiriusmoon
The Notable and Extravagant One Man Riot of '75 (Sirius/Remus; PG) by [info]anna_bm
Setting Things Straight (Sirius/Remus; NC-17) by [info]moony_garou
A Day at the Fair (Sirius/Remus; PG-13) by [info]riot_grrrl_ria
An Old Hand-me-down Jumper (Or Something) (Sirius/Remus; NC-17) by [info]fanny_moon

Mods and Rockers: Chapter 2 (Sirius/Remus; PG-13; AU) by [info]closet_zebra
By Chance and Choice: Chapter 20 (Sirius/Remus; PG-13; AU) by [info]dreamdustmama
Muse: Chapter 3 (Sirius/Remus; NC-17; AU) by [info]remuslives23
O Wolves of Memory: Chapter 1 (Sirius/Remus; PG) by [info]samixa
Wanting Sirius: Part 1 (Sirius/Remus; R) by [info]elfflame
Bits of Blue and Gold: Part 3 (Sirius/Remus; NC-17) by [info]summerborn

For the Greedy - Het and Slash!
Composition 1A: Pervert with Pensieve and Pickle (Sirius/Remus, Luna; NC-17) by anonymous in [info]hp_april_fools

Band of Wolves: Chapter 1 (Sirius/Remus, James/Lily; PG-13 for now) by [info]darkmark_lupin
The Truth About Family: Chapter 1 (Sirius/Remus, James/Lily; PG-13; AU) by [info]crazy_curls08

Disclaimers - [info]sirius_news is a newsletter not a recsletter. Unfortunately, we don't have time to read all the Sirius items to assess quality - we wish we did! Please also remember that the warnings given are those provided by the creator of the work concerned. When following links from [info]sirius_news take note of all ratings and warnings.

Just remember to feed Padfoot!
are you innocent?

Humpday, April 29, 2009 [29 Apr 2009|03:07pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | birds chirping ]

Welcome to the latest smut filled edition of [info]sirius_news! If you have an item you think we should link to please send us an email at

[info]pervy_werewolf has posted The Sixth Annual Lusty Month of May Marathon Rules!!!!! (I can't believe it's here again! *bounces*)

For the Slashers
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Dragon (Sirius/Remus; Sirius/Remus/Charlie; NC-17 ) by [info]lee_writes

Editor's Choice
Keep Your Panties On (Remus/Sirius;R) by [info]nk_aoede

This piece of art is hot, hot, hot! Besides making me melt into a general puddle of goo, I love the sparse use of color in all the right places.

Disclaimers - [info]sirius_news is a newsletter not a recsletter. Unfortunately, we don't have time to read all the Sirius items to assess quality - we wish we did! Please also remember that the warnings given are those provided by the creator of the work concerned. When following links from [info]sirius_news take note of all ratings and warnings.

Happy Humping and many thanks to Penster for fixing the layout for us!!!

are you innocent?

Sinday, 26 April 2009 [26 Apr 2009|11:55pm]

Welcome to the latest smut filled edition of [info]sirius_news! If you have an item you think we should link to please send us an email at

Editor Search
[info]sirius_news is looking for a couple of Sirius fans to join our team. If you're interested in having a little more Sirius in your life and an extra hour or so one night a week, pick up an application and ask any questions you may have here.

[info]hp_summersmut has a mod post.

For the Slashers
Peeping Tom (Sirius/Remus; NC-17) by [info]remeciel
Old Art: Part 13 (Sirius/Regulus, other pieces; NC-17) by [info]mayflo
Art Nouveau Smut & Gay Men (Sirius, others; NC-17) by [info]mayflo

For the Greedy - Het and Slash!
Live Every Day (Sirius/Remus, James/Lily, others; R) by [info]mindabbles

Disclaimers - [info]sirius_news is a newsletter not a recsletter. Unfortunately, we don't have time to read all the Sirius items to assess quality - we wish we did! Please also remember that the warnings given are those provided by the creator of the work concerned. When following links from [info]sirius_news take note of all ratings and warnings.

Have a great week!!
are you innocent?

Humpday, April 22, 2009 [22 Apr 2009|03:03pm]

[ mood | busy ]

Welcome to the latest smut filled edition of [info]sirius_news! If you have an item you think we should link to please send us an email at

Editor Search
[info]sirius_news is looking for a couple of Sirius fans to join our team. If you're interested in having a little more Sirius in your life and an extra hour or so one night a week, pick up an application and ask any questions you may have here.

[info]sirius_news watchers, please feel free to pimp our search in your own journals as well!

is hosting a 'Five Things' Harry Potter Fic Exchange.

Art Sale\
[info]littleblackbow will be selling artwork Sunday.

[info]slashpervert discusses Queer Issues in FanFiction- Open Discussion.

For the Slashers
Threatening Shadow (Sirius/Harry, Molly implied; PG-13) by magrat_me

Disclaimers - [info]sirius_news is a newsletter not a recsletter. Unfortunately, we don't have time to read all the Sirius items to assess quality - we wish we did! Please also remember that the warnings given are those provided by the creator of the work concerned. When following links from [info]sirius_news take note of all ratings and warnings.

Happy Humping and Happy Earth Day! Just think, turning off the lights and participating in the weekly hump also saves on electricity!

2 escaped azkaban are you innocent?

[Mod Post] Siriusly Seeking Editors [22 Apr 2009|09:14am]

[ mood | busy ]

[info]sirius_news, your daily newsletter with links to everything Sirius, is recruiting a couple of new editors! If you're free one night a week for about an hour and would like to join our team, then please provide the following information and email it to (Please DO NOT post your answers here.)

* Your name, IJ user name and email address.
* If you have an account at LiveJournal, please tell us your username there.
* Are you legally of age in your country?
* Tell us a bit about your HP self: When did you read your first Harry Potter book? When did you discover Harry Potter on the internet?
* Do you have any experience working on a newsletter?
* Do you have basic knowledge of HTML coding for links, etc?
* Do you have reliable internet access?
* Which day would you prefer to work? (If you have no preference state which days you could do.) Note: the current opening is for Sunday at our LiveJournal issue, but an InsaneJournal day could be arranged if you are primarily on InsaneJournal.
* This newsletter was started with the intention of keeping members of Immeritus up to date with Sirius-centric posts on LiveJournal, although the newsletter has since expanded beyond that original purpose. If you are an Immy member, please let us know your username there and whether or not you're a Club Member.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them below. Comments are screened.

Thanks, and good luck!
Katie and Dexy

are you innocent?

Sinday, 19 April 2009 [19 Apr 2009|08:56pm]

Welcome to the latest smut filled edition of [info]sirius_news! If you have an item you think we should link to please send us an email at

[info]pervy_werewolf has a modpost regarding Lusty Month of May.

The RPG Darkness Rising on LJ is looking for someone to play Sirius here.

It was Great (Sirius; G) by [info]leochi

Books and Slow Worms (Sirius, Regulus, Uncle Alphard; G) by [info]duck_or_rabbit

For the Slashers
The Joke is Old, and Other Tales (Sirius/Remus; G to R) by [info]nk_aoede
Kiss (Sirius/Remus; G) by [info]celestialsoda
Old Art: Part 5 and Part 6 (Sirius/Regulus, Sirius/James, Sirius/Remus/Regulus, others; NC-17) by [info]mayflo
Spring Fever (Sirius, Marauders; G) by anonymous

Mad World (Sirius/Remus; G) by [info]wook77
We Few, We Happy Few (Sirius, James, others; PG-13) by [info]toujours_nigel

Muse: Prologue (Sirius/Remus; PG-13; AU) by [info]remuslives23
Once in a Blue Moon: Chapter 54 (Sirius/Remus; PG-13; AU) by [info]fullmoon_dreams

For the Greedy - Het and Slash!
Love Triangle Inscribed in a Circle of Friendship (Sirius, Remus, James, Rosemerta; G) by [info]magrat_me

Disclaimers - [info]sirius_news is a newsletter not a recsletter. Unfortunately, we don't have time to read all the Sirius items to assess quality - we wish we did! Please also remember that the warnings given are those provided by the creator of the work concerned. When following links from [info]sirius_news take note of all ratings and warnings.

I know I have a dog toy around here somewhere...
are you innocent?

Humpday, April 15, 2009 [15 Apr 2009|03:59pm]

[ mood | busy ]
[ music | grumbling children ]

Welcome to the latest smut filled edition of [info]sirius_news! If you have an item you think we should link to please send us an email at

[info]hp_coloringbook is a place to upload Black & White images for other people to download, color, and post again.

The RPG [info]sic_infit is looking for someone to play Sirius here.

Enough Studying, Remus (Sirius/Remus; G) by Fool #11 in [info]hp_april_fools

For the Greedy - Het and Slash!
Movement of Ellipses (Andromeda/Ted, Remus/Sirius; R) by mindabbles

Disclaimers - [info]sirius_news is a newsletter not a recsletter. Unfortunately, we don't have time to read all the Sirius items to assess quality - we wish we did! Please also remember that the warnings given are those provided by the creator of the work concerned. When following links from [info]sirius_news take note of all ratings and warnings.

Happy Humping

are you innocent?

Sinday, 12 April 2009 [12 Apr 2009|08:38pm]

Welcome to the latest smut filled edition of [info]sirius_news! If you have an item you think we should link to please send us an email at

For the Het-lovers
Dog in Me, Cat in You (Sirius/Minerva (implied) NC-17) by [info]karasu_hime

For the Slashers
Tryst (Sirius/Snape; R) by [info]celandineb

Disclaimers - [info]sirius_news is a newsletter not a recsletter. Unfortunately, we don't have time to read all the Sirius items to assess quality - we wish we did! Please also remember that the warnings given are those provided by the creator of the work concerned. When following links from [info]sirius_news take note of all ratings and warnings.

Have a great week!
are you innocent?

[08 Apr 2009|08:12pm]

[ mood | busy ]

Welcome to the latest smut filled edition of [info]sirius_news! If you have an item you think we should link to please send us an email at

[info]hp_summersmut has updated 2009 Fest Rules.
[info]hp_summersmut has opened2009 Signups.
[info]hp_beholder has a mod post.

For the Het-lovers
Forbidden (Cygnus/Minerva; Sirius/Minerva; R ) by [info]lee_west

Disclaimers - [info]sirius_news is a newsletter not a recsletter. Unfortunately, we don't have time to read all the Sirius items to assess quality - we wish we did! Please also remember that the warnings given are those provided by the creator of the work concerned. When following links from [info]sirius_news take note of all ratings and warnings.

Happy Humping

are you innocent?

Sinday, 5 April 2009 [05 Apr 2009|07:29pm]

Welcome to the latest smut filled edition of [info]sirius_news! If you have an item you think we should link to please send us an email at

[info]rs_prophet posted a March 31 issue here.

[info]hp_springsmut has posted their masterlist.
[info]hp_prisonerfest is a new BDSM-themed fest.
[info]hp_summersmut announces that signups will begin April 7.
[info]rs_500 announces that signups are open until April 5.
[info]bigbangblackout has a modpost.
[info]pervy_werewolf has posted prompts.

Marauders (Remus, Sirius, James, Peter; G) by [info]littleblackbow

For the Het-lovers
Wicked Game (Sirius/Tonks; NC-17) by [info]ragdoll

For the Slashers
Sans Phrases (Sirius/James; NC-17 PG-13-ish, but an NC-17 version is available here) by [info]magrat_me
Having a Nap (Sirius/Remus; NC-17) by [info]remeciel

We Meet Again (Remus/Sirius; G ) by [info]scribbulus_ink

The Evolution of Fear (Sirius/Harry; R; Chan) by [info]la_dissonance
A Weaving (Sirius/Remus; PG) by [info]such_heights
While Gold Remained (Sirius/Remus; R) by [info]jelliclekat
Changes (Sirius/Remus; PG-13) by [info]samkthegreat
Words I Could Never Say (Sirius/Remus; PG-13) by [info]samkthegreat
Alas Great Passion Lasts But a Moment (Sirius/Severus/Remus; NC17 ) by anonymous in[info]hp_springsmut

It Was Only a Kiss!: Part 20 (Sirius/Remus; NC-17) by [info]remuslives23
Once in a Blue Moon: Chapter 51 (Sirius/Remus; R; AU) by [info]fullmoon_dreams
Resolutions: Chapter 2 (Sirius/Remus; R) by [info]remuslives23

For the Greedy - Het and Slash!
Breakfast with the Potters (Sirius, James, Lily, Remus; NC-17) by [info]celandineb

Disclaimers - [info]sirius_news is a newsletter not a recsletter. Unfortunately, we don't have time to read all the Sirius items to assess quality - we wish we did! Please also remember that the warnings given are those provided by the creator of the work concerned. When following links from [info]sirius_news take note of all ratings and warnings.

I hope your week is as wonderful as you!
are you innocent?

Sinday, 29 March 2009 [29 Mar 2009|08:11pm]

Welcome to the latest smut filled edition of [info]sirius_news! If you have an item you think we should link to please send us an email at

Five Things in Sirius Black's Closet (Sirius; PG-13) by [info]esmestrella

For the Slashers
Alas, Great Passion Lasts But a Moment (Sirius/Snape/Remus; NC-17) by anonymous in [info]hp_springsmut
The Final Ball of Sirius Black Part II (Sirius/and others; G to NC-17) by various artists, posted by [info]zerkalo_1

For the Greedy - Het and Slash!
Untitled Gift Art (Sirius, Lily, Remus; PG) by [info]zephre

Disclaimers - [info]sirius_news is a newsletter not a recsletter. Unfortunately, we don't have time to read all the Sirius items to assess quality - we wish we did! Please also remember that the warnings given are those provided by the creator of the work concerned. When following links from [info]sirius_news take note of all ratings and warnings.

Have a great week!
are you innocent?

Humpday March 25, 2009 [25 Mar 2009|09:36pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]

Welcome to the latest smut filled edition of [info]sirius_news! Apologies for the lack of recent posts. We assure you we're still here! If we missed anything posted since our last issue, don't hesitate to speak up in comments or at our gmail below. If you have an item you think we should link to please send us an email at

TLC reports Happy 51st Birthday Gary Oldman (Better late than never!)

[info]pervy_werewolf has a mod post concerning the 6th Lusty Month of May.
le_snackbar is a french language Sirius/Severus community.

[info]bigbangblackout has a mod post.

The RPG [info]fortunate_isles is looking for someone to play Sirius here.
The RPG [info]thebeginning_rp is looking for someone to play Sirius here.

For the Het-lovers
Starlette (Sirius/Ginny R) by [info]orpheus_samhain
 Once, a Spider (Sirius/Narcissa; NC-17) by anonymous[info]wizard_love
Sirius Black and the Exhibitionistic Engagement: Or, Sirius
Black and the Public Sex Proposal
(Sirius/Hermione; NC-17) by
anonymous in [info]hp_springsmut

For the Slashers
A Historical Matter (Remus/Sirius; G) by [info]twilightsorcery
Reruns (Various with several Sirius/Remus; NWS) by various artists in hump_day_smut
Red (Sirius/Harry; R) by nk_aoede

 Mr. Potter is Entirely Complicit (Sirius/Harry/Severus NC-17) by anonymous[info]hp_springsmut
A Thousand Years of Good Wine (Sirius/Regulus, Sirius/James; NC-17 ) by anonymous in [info]hp_springsmut

Disclaimers - [info]sirius_news is a newsletter not a recsletter. Unfortunately, we don't have time to read all the Sirius items to assess quality - we wish we did! Please also remember that the warnings given are those provided by the creator of the work concerned. When following links from [info]sirius_news take note of all ratings and warnings.

Happy Humping

are you innocent?

Sinday, 15 March 2009 [15 Mar 2009|10:28pm]

Welcome to the latest smut filled edition of [info]sirius_news! If you have an item you think we should link to please send us an email at

[info]azkatraz_rs is a new LJ community forAzkatraz attendees interested in an R/S meet-up.

[info]hp_april_fools has a reminder that assignments are coming due.
[info]hp_springsmut has a mod post.

The RPG [info]connotation_rpg is looking for someone to play Sirius here.

For the Het-lovers
Wicked Game (Sirius/Tonks, Remus/Tonks; NC-17; Warnings) by anonymous

For the Slashers
Left in the Cold (Sirius/Remus; PG) by [info]latenightcuppa

Trouble with a Capital T: Chapter 6 (Sirius/Remus; PG-13) by [info]fullmoon_dreams
Healing: Chapter 2 (Sirius/Remus; Overall NC-17) by [info]cheekykokoro
It was Only a Kiss!: Chapter 15 (Sirius/Remus; Overall NC-17) by [info]remuslives23

For the Greedy - Het and Slash!
Wartime (Various pairings of the Marauders and Lily; R; Warnings) by anonymous

Disclaimers - [info]sirius_news is a newsletter not a recsletter. Unfortunately, we don't have time to read all the Sirius items to assess quality - we wish we did! Please also remember that the warnings given are those provided by the creator of the work concerned. When following links from [info]sirius_news take note of all ratings and warnings.

What a Weekend!!
are you innocent?

Thursday, March 12, 2009 [12 Mar 2009|08:28pm]

[ mood | forgetful ]

Welcome to the latest smut filled edition of [info]sirius_news! If you have an item you think we should link to please send us an email at

[info]bigbangblackout has put out a call for icons.

Marauders at Sunset (MWPP; PG) by leochi
Remus and Padfoot (Remus, Padfoot; G ) by xnuinx

For the Het-lovers
Things That Go Bump in the Night (Tonks/Sirius; NC17 ) by anonymous in [info]wizard_love

For the Slashers
The Other Side of the Veil (James/Sirius; NC-17) by clayangel in hump_day_smut (Het, Solo, and Femmeslash ghost arts are also featured by other fantastic artists)

Nothing Special (Ron/Sirius/Remus;NC17 ) by anonymous in [info]hp_springsmut
Napoleon in Three Acts (Sirius/James, Sirius/Regulus; NC17 ) by [info]snegurochka_lee (2008 Springsmut submission)

Disclaimers - [info]sirius_news is a newsletter not a recsletter. Unfortunately, we don't have time to read all the Sirius items to assess quality - we wish we did! Please also remember that the warnings given are those provided by the creator of the work concerned. When following links from [info]sirius_news take note of all ratings and warnings.

Happy humping and whatever naughty thing ought to be associated with Thursdays!

are you innocent?

Sinday, March 8, 2009 [08 Mar 2009|08:51pm]

Welcome to the latest smut filled edition of [info]sirius_news! If you have an item you think we should link to please send us an email at

[info]bigbangblackout has a reminder that sign-ups are closing soon.

Teenage Sirius (Sirius; PG) by [info]leochi
Stormy Night (Sirius; PG-13) by [info]karasu_hime

For the Het-lovers
Forbidden (Sirius/Minerva, Cygnus/Minerva; R) by anonymous

For the Slashers
Before a Looking-Glass (Sirius/Regulus; R; incest) by [info]crooked
Clamourous (Sirius/Remus; PG) by [info]arcadian_dream
Anticipation (Sirius/Remus; R) by [info]mindabbles
Heroes (Sirius/Remus; G) by [info]silver_apples
Guilt (Sirius/Remus; G) by [info]lisaee
The Reoccurring Kind (Sirius/Remus; G) by [info]leashy_bebes
Need You (Sirius/Remus; NC-17) by [info]midnight_birth
An Endless Bargain (Sirius/Remus; R) by [info]brighty18
Tarnish (Sirius/Remus; PG-13) by [info]snapmagic
The Beauty and the Tragedy (Sirius/Remus; PG) by [info]emixt
Moonstruck (Sirius/Remus; PG) by [info]thesiriusmoon
Love Notes (Sirius/Remus; PG-13) by [info]fullmoon_dreams

Disclaimers - [info]sirius_news is a newsletter not a recsletter. Unfortunately, we don't have time to read all the Sirius items to assess quality - we wish we did! Please also remember that the warnings given are those provided by the creator of the work concerned. When following links from [info]sirius_news take note of all ratings and warnings.

Hope your weekend was swell!
are you innocent?

Humpday, March 4th, 2009 [04 Mar 2009|08:42pm]

[ mood | sleepy ]

Welcome to the latest smut filled edition of [info]sirius_news! If you have an item you think we should link to please send us an email at

[info]hpvalensmut has posted its2009 Reveals.
[info]bigbangblackou has a Plot Bunny Drop Off.
[info]hp_beholder has a mod post.

The RPG [info]an_ill_wind is looking for someone to play Sirius here.
The RPG [info]darkness_rising is looking for someone to play Sirius here.
The RPG [info]fortuate_isles is looking for someone to play Sirius here.

For the Het-lovers
For a Moment (Sirius/Luna; NC17 ) by anonymous in[info]hp_springsmut

For the Slashers
The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret (James/Sirius/Remus, James/Sirius, implied Remus/Sirius & James/Lily;NC-17) by woldy
Steal Me (James/Sirius; NC17 ) by [info]snegurochka_lee

Disclaimers - [info]sirius_news is a newsletter not a recsletter. Unfortunately, we don't have time to read all the Sirius items to assess quality - we wish we did! Please also remember that the warnings given are those provided by the creator of the work concerned. When following links from [info]sirius_news take note of all ratings and warnings.

Happy Humping

are you innocent?

Sinday, 1 March 2009 [01 Mar 2009|09:17pm]

Welcome to the latest smut filled edition of [info]sirius_news! If you have an item you think we should link to please send us an email at

The RPG [info]on_the_map is looking for someone to play Sirius here.

For the Slashers
Hair Fetish (Sirius/Remus; R) by [info]nk_aoede

Dust (Sirius/Remus; R) by [info]freudian_fuckup
Walls (Sirius/Remus; PG) by [info]toyhto_writes
The Trouble with Moonys (Sirius/Remus, Marauders; PG-ish) by [info]latenightcuppa

Time (Sirius/Remus; PG-13) by [info]scriblerusday
Not So Fantastic Voyage (Sirius/Remus, Marauders; PG-13 to R) by [info]brighty18
An Endless Bargain (Sirius/Remus; R; Sandman Crossover) by [info]brighty18
Discoveries (Sirius/Remus; PG) by [info]deiareads
Six Letters Remus Lupin Never Sent (Sirius/Remus; PG-13) by [info]freudian_fuckup
An Interview with a Werewolf and his Dog (Sirius/Remus; PG-13) by [info]freudian_fuckup
Endings and Beginnings (Sirius/Remus; NC-17) by [info]remuslives23
Resentment and Cherishing (Sirius/Remus; NC-17) by anonymous
(If you Don't) Trust Me I'll Fall (Sirius/Remus; PG) by [info]nathaniel_hp
Endings and Beginnings (Sirius/Remus; NC-17) by [info]remuslives23
Of Friends, Forgetfulness, and Forever (Sirius/Remus; PG-13) by [info]dreamdustmama
Freddie Mercury and the Curse of His Girlfriend's Cousin's Boyfriend (Sirius/Remus; PG-13; Queen RPF Crossover) by [info]planetgal471
Luck Be a Lady (Sirius/Remus; PG-13; Cross-dressing) by [info]fullmoon_dreams

It was Only a Kiss: Chapter 9 (Sirius/Remus; NC-17) by [info]remuslives23
Triple Trouble: Chapter 11 (Sirius/Remus; PG-13) by [info]fullmoon_dreams
Of Silver Light and Shadows: Chapter 12 (Sirius/Remus; PG to NC-17 for complete work, this final chapter is PG-13) by [info]mindabbles

Disclaimers - [info]sirius_news is a newsletter not a recsletter. Unfortunately, we don't have time to read all the Sirius items to assess quality - we wish we did! Please also remember that the warnings given are those provided by the creator of the work concerned. When following links from [info]sirius_news take note of all ratings and warnings.

Have a great week and remember to save some love for Sirius!
are you innocent?

Thursday, February 26, 2009 [26 Feb 2009|08:21am]

[ mood | awake ]

Welcome to the latest smut filled edition of [info]sirius_news! If you have an item you think we should link to please send us an email at

[info]bigbangblackout is a new asylum for a Sirius-centric 20K + story and art challenge. :D

For the Slashers
Learning, Practising (Sirius/Remus; NC17 ) by [info]remeciel
Trying him for size (Sirius/James; NC17 ) by [info]harrysde

just an untitled overgrown drabble (Snape/Black; unrated by author) by [info]semestrella

Resentment and Cherishing (Remus/Sirius; NC17 ) by anonymous in [info]hpvalensmut

Disclaimers - [info]sirius_news is a newsletter not a recsletter. Unfortunately, we don't have time to read all the Sirius items to assess quality - we wish we did! Please also remember that the warnings given are those provided by the creator of the work concerned. When following links from [info]sirius_news take note of all ratings and warnings.

Happy Humping!

are you innocent?

Sinday, February 22, 2009 [22 Feb 2009|05:51pm]

Welcome to the latest smut filled edition of [info]sirius_news! If you have an item you think we should link to please send us an email at</i>

[info]bigbangblackout is a new community for Sirius-centric work.

The RPG [info]the_darkmarks is looking for someone to play Sirius here.

Get Ready (Sirius; NC-17, NWS) by [info]littleblackbow

For the Slashers
(Sirius/Remus; unrated by artist, PG-ish) by [info]davidychus

The Quick and the Dead (Sirius/Harry; NC-17; chan) by [info]torino10154
Argentinean Dreams (Sirius/Remus; PG-13) by [info]dear_tiger
October Sky (Sirius/Remus; PG-13) by [info]noneedofcrepe
The Art of Keeping a Secret (Sirius/James/Remus, Sirius/James; NC-17; warnings) by [info]woldy

It was Only a Kiss: Chapter 6 (Sirius/Remus; NC-17) by [info]remuslives23

Disclaimers - [info]sirius_news is a newsletter not a recsletter. Unfortunately, we don't have time to read all the Sirius items to assess quality - we wish we did! Please also remember that the warnings given are those provided by the creator of the work concerned. When following links from [info]sirius_news take note of all ratings and warnings.

Happy reading!
are you innocent?

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