December 2014



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Dude, you will never believe what I just found out.


Over a freaking year later...It's still stuck in my head.


Vegas huh. You know. I've woke up worse places but this takes the cake. How much did I have to drink last night..Still, at least I won't have to sell my ass on the strip for rent again, that wasn't fun lemme tell ya.

So! Anyone seen my partner in crime? Its easy to spot him, he'd be the nice guy probaly cussing me out, answers to Bash, or Peter Or scrotum face....


Happy Birthday!

He may hate me for doing this, but I don't care since he is like a brother to me and will forgive me regardless of what I do, so without further ado:


Hope you have an awesome birthday even though we are stuck somewhere we don't want to be. You're awesome and one of the best people I have ever known. Enjoy your birthday!

Everyone say Happy Birthday to Sam or you will meet my knife collection. Don't say you have been warned.


Man, this sitting around without any jobs or leads is getting kinda boring here Sammy. Please tell me you've been looking for something worth hunting. Can't even get frigging laid in this frigging town. And I'm not paying for a frigging hooker.
[End Private]

I still can't believe I let you talk me into dancing with you. Talk about frigging awkward.

I need a drink.

You need to get out more, man. Hell do you do all day anyway.

You should-
[End Private]

Whats so great about these casino's, besides all the fricking free booze. I havn't won jack squat from any of them yet.


Man, the beds in this place are freaking amazing. Their no magic fingers but I don't think I've ever slept so damn comfy.

So what the hell is this dance thing about? If theres pie I might go.

[Sam, Jo]
You two find any leads yet? If not, I'm gonna go take a look around. I mean have you seen the chicks in this place?

So theres this dance thing-
I guess it wouldn't hurt to take you-
This is crap I can't even ask a frigging angel ou-
Are you busy?


Man you knuckleheads are bo-oring. I think you all need to living up a little. Espically you sa-

So a dance huh? Not my kind of style but I'll bite. Should be more fun then listening to you knuckleheads complain, anyway.

Enjoying your new suit, big bro? I thought you'd appricate the color scheme.

Are you going to the-
You mortals and your stupid formalitys-
This should be easyier then it seems-

Find your clothes yet, Winchester?


What kind of weird hoodoo is this? Dragging me into Vegas...

Some people have things to be doing, you know. Important things.


You chuckle-heads and your crazy shanagins. Not that I mind the digs. Vegas, really? And here I thought I'd get a one way ticket back home.


Dude, what the hell?!

Not that I have anything against Vegas, but seriously?

Dean? Bobby? Cas? Gabriel?