Legion of Super-Giffen, Prologue III But Keith Giffen left the book.
They say it was the poster that did him in.
This poster:
Ah yes. The famous compositional style, unique to 80s DC, of people randomly standing around in the air
wonder why nobody does that anymore.
Keith Giffen, I adore Keith Giffen. His career is filled with brilliant ideas that don't work. He's tried everything. Most none of it works. BUT HE DID IT!
He was "co-plotter and designer" for issues #3-#5. That probably means he did breakdowns. He was assisted by Steve Lightle, who draws great robots and weird faces. Inked by Mahlstedt, whose work here raises the eternal question,
Tags: creator: keith giffen, creator: larry mahlstedt, creator: steve lightle, publisher: dc comics, theme: panel layout, title: legion of super-heroes