Daily Scans
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Below are the 3 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
01:03 pm [seriousfic]
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Well... okay, then... From the pages of DV8, an edgy spin-off of Gen 13 (hey, it's almost Halloween, things should be getting scary), some early work by Warren Ellis. Here, our anti-heroes try to buy some drinks.
Tags: char: the dragon, creator: humberto ramos, creator: warren ellis, group: dv8, group: stormwatch, publisher: image comics, publisher: wildstorm, title: dv8
09:55 pm [statham1986]
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Brian Wood is doing a DV8 Mini. *cue excitement*
In the midst of the Blackest Night bruhaha and Pet Avengers, it seems everyone's ignoring that occasionally brilliant DC subsidary. Wildstorm still makes some good choices sometimes, it would seem.
Current Location: San Heironimo, Central America Current Mood: excited Current Music: Dog Ending Theme, Silent Hill 2 Tags: creator: brian wood, creator: fiona staples, creator: rebekah isaacs, group: dv8
04:03 pm [dorksidefiker]
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Ah, the good old days... I have nothing to contribute to either Porn Week or Doom Week. My Ode to Emplate Post continues to be building slowly, as it my Jonothon Starsmore is a Dick to Women post.
So instead of any of that, I bring you three pages from DV8 #1 (Warren Ellis and Humberto Ramos).
And now, once again shall I do epic battle with the tags.
Tags: creator: humberto ramos, creator: warren ellis, group: dv8, publisher: wildstorm