Daily Scans Below are the 6 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
August 23rd, 2009
06:12 pm
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Fun with time travel

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August 3rd, 2009
01:48 am


Superman vs Domestic abuse
Scans under cut )

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July 21st, 2009
01:20 pm


Boom-Boom versus the evil of...

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July 9th, 2009
12:39 am


It's Not About The Answers: Behind The Mask Of Vic Sage, pt 4

Intermission: Hangin' with Beetle (pt 2)
With special bonus: Vic's Cool Quota Runs A Surplus

Tonight we're looking at Blue Beetle v6 #'s 5-7, by Len Wein and Paris Cullins. There's a lot of crazy meta stuff surrounding this arc. It ends two months before Ted plays his part in the Legends cross-over, which lead to JLI, so he hasn't really fostered any relationships with DC natives yet, so they apparently decided to reinforce his friendship with a fellow Charlton immigrant first. Also, and really, really interestingly, Vic's guest spot in BB #'s 4-7 (#4, if you'll remember, we glanced at in our last post) were released concurrently with the first four issues of Watchmen. It's makes me curious as to whether this arc happened to further establish Vic and Ted's partnership in order to legitimatize the homage of Rorschach and Nite Owl. It's a lot to think about.

Current Music: Muse ~ "Map Of The Problematique" (it's on repeat, i won't let myself stop it)
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May 27th, 2009
11:31 am


Cameron Hodge is gay for Angel, has horrible costume.
So, way back when, the X-Factor was a team that combated mutant prejudice by pretending to be mutant-hunters who captured dangerous mutants, who of course they advertised as being so dangerous you needed specially-trained operatives to come in and round them up. This didn't go over well. So, Marvel did what it always does when their heroes act like idiots: Reveal it was all someone else's fault!

In this case, Cameron Hodge, the team's PR man, turned out to be a member of The Right (unfortunately, this was before Peter David's run on the title, so Hodge was never protected by the Right Guard, yuk yuk), an anti-mutant organization he created. Really, who starts an anti-mutant organization when there are already forty billion out there? On LJ, you'd get yelled at for creating a fourth Wolverine/Rogue comm.

Hodge betrayed the team and went all supervillain on them, driving Angel to pretend-suicide, kidnapping mutants for experiments, and finally kidnapping Angel's girlfriend Candy Southern, who despite the name is neither a stripper or a gay porn star.

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May 3rd, 2009
01:59 am


The Death of Doug Ramsey
Greetings True Believers! I saw several New X-Men posts and it got me thinking about the original crew of muties, The New Mutants. Aside from a few holes, I own pretty much all of the original 100 issue run of NM. To this day it's one of my favorite comic series. Serious, funny, heart-breaking, great characters. In an era where the phrase "Protecting a world that fears and hates them." really meant something. New Mutants was Buffy before Buffy. Outcasts, nerds, jocks, pagans, farmboys, casanovas, mean teachers, evil adults, the agonies of growing up. All while being mutants who occasionally have to save the world and live up to the mantles of those who came before them.

This post is from the TPB, Fall of the Mutants. An X-Crossover (Back when crossovers were still a new/clever idea.) It concerns the death of one of the New Mutants. A boy named Doug Ramsey. His code name was Cypher and his power was Omnilingualism, meaning he could translate any language spoken, written or on a computer. Weird huh? His death was controversial. He was apparently one of those character you either loved or hated. (He's also one of the few MU characters that has never returned from the dead. So his death still has some impact.)

What did you think of Doug Ramsey?

Read more... )

Current Location: Outer Dark
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