The Death of Doug Ramsey Greetings True Believers! I saw several New X-Men posts and it got me thinking about the original crew of muties, The New Mutants. Aside from a few holes, I own pretty much all of the original 100 issue run of NM. To this day it's one of my favorite comic series. Serious, funny, heart-breaking, great characters. In an era where the phrase "Protecting a world that fears and hates them." really meant something. New Mutants was Buffy before Buffy. Outcasts, nerds, jocks, pagans, farmboys, casanovas, mean teachers, evil adults, the agonies of growing up. All while being mutants who occasionally have to save the world and live up to the mantles of those who came before them.
This post is from the TPB, Fall of the Mutants. An X-Crossover (Back when crossovers were still a new/clever idea.) It concerns the death of one of the New Mutants. A boy named Doug Ramsey. His code name was Cypher and his power was Omnilingualism, meaning he could translate any language spoken, written or on a computer. Weird huh? His death was controversial. He was apparently one of those character you either loved or hated. (He's also one of the few MU characters that has never returned from the dead. So his death still has some impact.)
What did you think of Doug Ramsey?
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Current Location: Outer Dark Tags: char: ani-mator/frederick animus, char: bird-brain, char: cannonball/sam guthrie, char: cypher/doug ramsey, char: magik/ilyanna rasputin, char: magneto/erik magnus lehnsherr, char: mirage/danielle moonstar, char: sunspot/roberto da costa, char: warlock, char: wolfsbane/rahne sinclair, creator: bret blevins, creator: louise simonson, group: new mutants, publisher: marvel comics, title: new mutants