Daily Scans
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Below are the 5 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
04:38 pm [jlroberson]
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"Boy, That Billie Holiday Can Sing."
Current Location: Seattle Current Mood: nyeh Current Music: Robert Wyatt, "Rock Bottom" Tags: creator: kyle baker
06:19 pm [arbre_rieur]
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Another week, another Wednesday Comics The Metamorpho (Gaiman/Allred) and Hawkman (Kyle Baker) pages from issue 2.
Tags: char: hawkman/katar hol, char: metamorpho/element man/rex mason, creator: kyle baker, creator: mike allred, creator: neil gaiman, title: wednesday comics
06:41 pm [kingrockwell]
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Even more Wednesday Comics! You'll have to forgive me, everyone else already got the really special ones this week, and too many of the others we might want to post from later, so I'm showing you Hawkman.
I heartily recommend the title to anyone who isn't picking it up. This is a really magical kind of thing, and I promise you won't regret being a part of it! I've been showing it to everyone I know who's even vaguely interested in comics, getting them as excited as I am. My LCS' are selling out, so don't miss out at yours!
Current Music: TV on the Radio ~ "Blind" Tags: char: hawkman/katar hol, creator: kyle baker, title: wednesday comics
11:20 am [khaosworks]
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The Cowboy Wally Show, Chapter Four: Cowboy Wally's Late Night Celebrity Showdown I was kind of surprised to find that some people had never seen the glory that was The Cowboy Wally Show. So, to further tempt those who haven't read it to stampede your local comics shop and order the novel for their own, here's a few more pages, these from Chapter Four: "Cowboy Wally's Late Night Celebrity Showdown".
Tags: char: cowboy wally, creator: kyle baker
09:38 pm [khaosworks]
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The Cowboy Wally Show, Chapter Three: The Making of Hamlet
Tags: char: cowboy wally, creator: kyle baker