Bruce denial: Cass: Murderer?
This is the beginning of Bruce's denial that Cass might have killed someone as a child. I say beginning because it comes up every time that event/possibility is referred to in her own series.
So cute, so fucked-up.
Batgirl #04 Gratuitous violence really doesn't upset Bruce when he thinks it's deserved. Why hello, explanation of the way Bruce was with Jason. But, wait! "Perfect". So "perfect" includes "gentle". Which Bruce tacitly admits he's not. Bruce's issues about his own moral lacks rear their ugly head. Look how happy he is that Alfred talked him out of it. But he's Batman, and so he has to make sure. So he does tests on the film, to see if it was tampered with. Unfortunately, the results he gets aren't enough to confirm anything one way or the other; it could have been faked, but it's an old film, so degradation is to be expected.
So Bruce decides to go to the source.
Batgirl #05: The same night he receives the tape, Bruce takes a plane for Macau, to investigate the death of the man on the tape. (Being a billionaire making business all over the world does come handy.) He calls Tim from the plane to have more info; Tim tells him all the records and the autopsy disappeared a week after the man died, guesses it's about Batgirl and asks if that's the reason why Bruce isn't asking Oracle about this. Bruce doesn't answer, and when he arrives, heads straight to the man – Faizul's – grave. Then: [Cass will dig Vesper Fairchild's body up when Bruce is accused of murder. I find it neat that they're doing the same thing.] Yeah, I call this scene: "Batman thinks David Cain is a LYING LIAR who LIES".
Bruce: not all that good at dealing with the possibility that his protégés might be killers.